When should you honk?
I was traveling along one of our busy roads the other day and happened to hear a few drivers honking at other drivers. I was a little curious as to the reasons why these drivers decided they needed to honk. The danger had already passed in one situation, so why honk? What’s the purpose in honking at someone anyway? I always teach my students at Young Drivers of Canada that honking should be done early, to warn people. It shouldn’t be used as a cursing tool, should it?
Traffic was quite heavy one day and there was an unusually long line of vehicles stopped at a red light. One thing that we have to remember is that even though the traffic lights may have changed to green, it takes time for all of the drivers ahead of you to begin to move. Honking at the drivers won’t make them move any sooner. It usually gets them more aggravated with you though. Honking at the driver directly in front of you doesn’t make them move any quicker if they have a driver in front of them. Patience is required here folks!
Can you believe that in some places you can get a traffic ticket if you use your horn when it’s not an emergency? I was reading an article that stated, in Seattle, if you honk at a driver who may not be moving you can receive a traffic ticket. The driver may have gone into “daydream mode” and may not have seen the traffic lights change to green. Too bad for you I guess. You’ll have to sit there patiently waiting for the driver to begin moving, but no honking at them this time!
So, when should you honk? Honk if you need to make eye contact with another road user. This would be important if that person was about to enter your traffic flow when it wasn’t safe to do so. Honk early enough to give that person enough time to see you and respond safely. If you honk late, it could cause this pedestrian, cyclist or driver to be startled. They may still enter your path in that case. Honking early also means you’ll have time to honk twice, or more, to ensure the message has been received. Don’t assume that since you honked at someone that they understand the message. When you honk at someone, always ensure the correct response was made. In other words, they have either stopped their progress or at least have looked toward your direction.
A couple of light taps of the horn is a polite way to get someone’s attention. I teach this to my students as well. For example, to let another driver know I’m letting them into my lane of traffic after they’ve signaled, I lightly tap the horn twice as I slow down slightly. These are the same type of taps you use when you notice a neighbour or friend as you’re driving along and you want their attention. A long blaring horn usually means you’re unhappy with their decision, so a light tap works better. It’s also a nice way to meet new people!
I made the error once of honking when I didn’t mean to. The driver in front of me looked my way after I mistakenly honked while still sitting at a red light, so I quickly waved to them. I don’t think they knew what was going on, but they waved back to me anyway. This just proved that honking can be a positive experience, even if you do it incorrectly.
The other thing to keep in mind is remembering that no matter how much you honk to show your displeasure, it doesn’t help the situation. So why do drivers continue to do it? Let me give this challenge to you; avoid honking in anger. Politely tap the horn with two quick taps if you need to warn someone or to make them notice something. During the other times, be patient. You never really know why drivers do certain things. Who know, it may even help you reduce your own stress!
Honking is just another form of communication and when done properly, you can send an effective message. When done in anger or frustration, the effect is further anger and frustration.
If by some fluke, I drift off into la la land at a light and don’t notice it change to green, I would not be upset should someone give me a polite double tap of their horn. However if someone leans on their horn, I will likely take my time proceeding. They sent me a message (light is green) but now I will send them one too (thanks for the heads up but no need to be a jerk about it).
Personally, I teach my students to not depend on their horns for anything more than sending a simple “hey…I’m here” message or to bring someones attention to a changing light and to do so simply with a single or quick double tap.
Far too often drivers depend on their horns in a panic, emergency situation in hopes that the other driver will react accordingly. This just wastes reaction time. If you spend your reaction time and effort on leaning on your horn, you are wasting time that you could of spent dealing with and avoiding a collision. Furthermore…by leaning on your horning, you are putting the responsibility onto the other driver to recognise and avoid the situation. This just wasted more time that could of been used by you to avoid a situation. Since you are already aware of the danger, why waste time by leaning on the horn. You are essentially asking them to realize what they did wrong and then figure out what to do.
It already took you nearly one full second to realize the problem and react by honking…now the other driver needs at least another full second (or more) to realize it too and act accordingly. That’s a lot of wasted time and you are putting all the responsibility on them to avoid the situation.
The only time I use my horn is when I see kids on the side of the road pumping their arms up and down as a signal for a blast from a trucker horn, and they laugh, and I smile.
In 1995 I wittnessed a car run a red light as it had just changed, and the eager truck driver who had taken off the instant his was green was already in the middle of the intersection. The car was wedged under the trucks trailer and load of gravel. It was fatal.
When my truck is the first vehicle at a light, I always hesitate after it turns green and look both ways for light runners. Intersections are the most dangerous places on the road, and there is always time for extra caution.
Well said Anna. There seems to be that element of trust from most drivers. I like your way of thinking as a driver!
polite taps do work better, but most motorists don’t understand you, same with a high beam flick, most only understand a high beam means a cop is coming soon. I use it to inform you you’re not using your headlights and its a dangerous light condition that requires them. The street lights are on, so should yours be, the sky’s not blue, its a clue. When do I honk? At the 5th car in line on advance green when the advance is no longer advanced and they are pushing the envelope and endangering others. I also honk when an emergency vehicle is approaching and I pull over as far as I can. The honk is to make others notice the sirens, and do the same.
I live in LA. People honk all the time when they don’t have a reason and don’t get ticketed. O don’t think it’s fair, and they cause accidents.
Sometimes drivers, including myself, do something dangerous without realizing it. I honk if someone moves around my car in a manner that could easily cause an accident. This honk is not out of anger, but to let them know, that another driver feels unsafe by their driving. While driving, I have made mistakes and I actually appreciated that another driver honked. Then I know to be more careful next time.
Honking out of pure emotion is useless, honking to communicate to another driver can be helpful.