Is Big Brother watching?
There are so many media outlets in our society these days that it’s hard not to find out what’s going on in the world today. The internet is so strong, that the local and national TV news can be seen without watching a TV at all. You can also read the local and national newspaper without touching any paper at all. So, with all of this available in our society, why do drivers still drive in such a manner that they cause a high risk to crashing and seriously breaking laws and then act surprised that there was a safety blitz within their community?
Year after year there are so many drinking and driving campaigns in all areas where we drive that it’s almost impossible not to know it’s out there. The other thing is when there’s another safety blitz from the local police regarding speeding, having proper documentation in the vehicle or perhaps even about rolling stops, that drivers are also surprised when they get pulled over and ticketed. If there’s so much media attention out there, why do drivers still get ticketed and fined? Why can’t they behave themselves during these times?
According to the Ontario Provincial Police, 1.1 million motorists were stopped and almost 300 people were charged with drinking and driving offenses Ok, so you may not think that was a high number, but should it even be that high? We’ve learned how it was wrong, dangerous and illegal ever since we were kids, so why do people still get into their vehicles after drinking?
Let’s step aside from the drinking and driving campaign for now. What about the more than 5,000 drivers who had other offences charged to them? An additional 5,011 charges were laid for other Criminal Code, Highway Traffic Act or Liquor Licence Act offences. And the year before, there were a total of 5,195 charges for other Criminal Code, Highway Traffic Act or Liquor Licence Act offences.
What happened to the idea that driving was a privilege and not a right? What happened about the idea that you need to drive responsibly to ensure your passengers were safe? What happened to the idea that your actions can affect so many other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians (and their families) on the road? What happened about looking after your vehicle in such a manner that you protect it from damage?
Driving in a reckless manner can take innocent lives and cause innocent people getting hurt. How could you live with yourself if you did that to someone else? Let’s drive the vehicle for the remainder of the year as if there’s always a safety blitz going on. Think of it as if “Big Brother” is always watching you. It just might help you build safer driving practices.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Patricia Digni and Scott Marshall. Scott Marshall said: Article 200 is now posted! Is Big Brother watching you each time you drive? Should he? […]
I liv in Minnesota, USA. On 1/1/11, a new law took effect that vehicles can NOT B caught in an intersection (waiting 2 turn, for instance) when the signal turns red. My husband & I hav had discussions about what % of drivers even KNOW about this law. When we mention the law 2 others, few R aware of it. R theory is that few ppl listen 2 the news, & even fewer read newspapers. Only sensatioanl news sparks attention on the internet. Every1 seems 2 busy 2 B concerned about such things as new laws 🙁
If this theory is correct, many drivers R probably so involved in hectic LIVING 2 B aware that their habit of driving “on automatic”, w/ no more thought than brushing their teeth, may CAUSE DYING… AWARENESS seems 2 B gone once drivers’ ed. is behind them.
I no longer wonder WHY?, I can C: Look around! Talk 2 ppl. The majority of drivers do NOT understand, & therefore BELIEVE, the dangers of Distracted Driving. I wish I had answers 2 HOW we can begin 2 change drivers’ habits 2 focus on SAFE DRIVING…