Is that cool or not cool?
My kids make fun of me as I still say ‘cool’ a lot of the time. They must think I’m too old to use it regularly except when describing the weather. The reality is I’m not that old…probably. I believe that the word cool can describe many things and that most of society understands the word and its interpretation. Saying that something is cool or not cool is usually understood by most people, so that’s why I thought it would be good for our younger generation to know what’s cool and what’s not cool when it comes to driving. Is that cool with you?
I recently watched a driver speed up in the right lane which was ending a short distance away passing all the stopped traffic in the left lane, and merge into the left lane at the last second. They sped past dozens of vehicles to get closer to the front of the line. Not cool. The patience all of the other drivers had to wait in line only to have someone else “bud” into the line doesn’t seem fair. I wonder if they do that in the grocery store at the check out counter. If you really wanted to get there sooner, leave home sooner.
I was recently speaking with a parent of a young child and they were going to get their child seat professionally installed to ensure their child was safe while riding in the family vehicle. That’s cool. Admitting you don’t know it all is a good step into becoming a responsible driver and in this case, a parent. Too many kids are injured because of a poorly installed child seat. Get it done right and save a life.
While I was in traffic I watched how drivers would constantly make a prohibited left turn at a traffic light in a road construction zone. The road had a single lane in each direction because of the road construction and since the lead driver was turning left (in front of a sign that prohibited such a turn no less) it was holding up all the traffic behind. Not cool. Respecting rules of the road and other road users is one of the first things drivers need to learn. And remember, what goes around comes around. Plan your route and make three right turns instead. That will still allow you to go in the direction you need to go.
During our regular rush hour traffic I often find drivers blocking the intersections when traffic ahead stops. I ended up watching how one particular driver blocked three intersections in a row. At each of these intersections, the cross traffic should have proceeded to pass through the intersection, but couldn’t because this one driver blocked their path. Not cool. Being a selfish or unthinking driver stops the flow of traffic. It creates more gridlock and slows everyone down. If you can’t exit an intersection, don’t enter it. Stay behind the crosswalk so crossing drivers can continue along their way. Considering that you have to stop anyway, why not help other drivers continue their travels?
I’m a big communicator and it pleases me when drivers wave thank you when another driver does something cooperative for them. I stopped to let drivers out of a parking lot on my right (I had to stop for a red light at the nearby intersection anyway) and each of the 4 or 5 vehicles that I let out had waved ‘thank you’ to me. Cool. I certainly hope other drivers notice the driving manners those drivers had and would copy the same sentiment. Wouldn’t that be cool?
Not cool, watching a driver tailgating my husband on his motorcycle. Very not cool, when the same driver got into the right turn lane & then cut off 3 vehicles (including husband) to go straight instead.
Definitely cool when drivers acknowledge a courtesy. I’m especially thankful when I’m on my motorcycle , it means the person “saw” me .
Cool article….it would be so cool if people looked well ahead before entering that intersection to see if the lights might change before they can exit the intersection. Blocking traffic as you said and especially emergency vehicles is so not cool. Like, totally uncool!
If everyone followed the rules out there traffic would be pretty damn good. I think many drivers out there see less of the person inside the car and instead see the car and driver as a single entity of no more significance than a moving obstacle. I am always super courteous, I let people in and out, I wait behind lorries for them to do their change thing, I don’t tailgate, etc. However, if I see an opportunity such as an empty-ish lane, I’ll often use it to leave my lane, speed ahead, and then merge back in. If I think I can do this without cutting people off, and safely, I’ll do it. It saves you about 5 seconds or so depending on the situation, which is pretty useless. I think my motivation behind doing “uncool” things like that it’s rewarding. Gives you a little fizz. Now, driving is a privilege and public roads aren’t playgrounds, so in the end, I guess the only explanation for uncool road behaviour is either you’re selfish and/or resent certain aspects of the establishment (“the system”) and thus lack a respect for the rules “they” have put in place for you to follow.