Reducing distracted driving…that works for me

SHARK 1As many people already know, I promote road safety all the time. Well, maybe not all the time. I do need to sleep a few hours a day, but other than that it really does seem like it’s all the time. Through verbal discussion, print, radio or television – it’s what I love to do. Every now and then I come across an opportunity to test new things to see if they can make a difference in road safety. I was fortunate to try something new recently and I think it may make a difference when it comes to reducing distracted driving.

There are so many things that may distract us while driving; we already know that. However, with the human factor weighing so much pressure on us, we often need help to stop the distractions. For those of us who can self-govern it’s not too much of an issue. I can keep my mind on driving and ignore most distractions, despite what I may be faced with. For those who need some help, luckily there is support out there to help you stay focused while driving and remove the distractions.

I was recently introduced to a product called the SHARK from a company called InCarBite It’s a wireless phone charger that places the phone out of sight to the driver. Remember the old saying of ‘out of sight, out of mind’? This device may fall under that category and may be able to help drivers avoid the distractions of their phones while driving and stay focused on the driving task.

To be honest, I was curious how this product could help reduce distracted driving. After all, it was only a phone charger, right? After using it for a while, I did find the SHARK allowed me to forget about the phone. I forgot about it so much I left it in my vehicle a few times after parking. Although I normally ignore my phone while driving, I could see the benefits of removing the phone from the driver’s view while driving.

To add to this, I also use an app on my phone that stops any notifications I would normally get for emails or text messages. Combined, these two devices can stop the urge to check the phone while driving. And let’s face it; some people need the added help to stop distracted driving. And maybe, just maybe, the SHARK can help them accomplish that goal.

For many drivers, the temptation of constantly checking the phone is always on their mind. The phone will often sit loose on the seat or near the middle console and with it in clear view, will often make its way into the hands of the driver. They see it and want to check messages, despite the fact they know it’s dangerous and illegal in so many jurisdictions. Checking the phone has really turned into an addiction for many people, but that could possibly stop with the SHARK and that works for me.

To those who leave their phone in a backpack, purse or jacket, that’s a good idea and I applaud you. Will I promote the SHARK? Yes, but not just as a phone charger. It’s a step in the right direction to reduce distracted driving…and that works for me.

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