Common Auto Accidents That Could Be Prevented

**A contributed post as written for The Safe Driver by Gary Sterling.


Today, you might have heard about another car accident on the news. With an increasing number of vehicular crashes happening all over the world every day, it is crucial for anyone behind the wheel to practice safe driving and get rid of habits that may make them lose focus, leading to accidents and injuries.

Although many accidents occur not because of you but of other drivers, you can prevent a crash from happening by changing bad driving habits. Imagine every driver following safety precautions when maneuvering the wheel. The number of car accidents would significantly drop.

We’ve compiled the most common vehicular accident causes and some ways to easily prevent them from happening.

  1. Distracted Driving

Driving requires focus and concentration that should not be divided. Otherwise, you’re putting yourself and others in danger on the road. When behind the wheel, make sure to keep your eyes ahead and refrain from doing anything that will make you lose focus. This includes using your mobile phone, putting on earrings or makeup, or even something extreme like changing your shoes.

  1. Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is obviously a leading cause of auto accidents. The alcohol in your blood impairs your thinking and affects the way you move and coordinate your bodily functions. If you consumed alcohol or drugs, don’t attempt to drive, as it significantly increases your chance of getting into a crash. If you’re coming from a party or bar where drinking cannot be avoided, better call a cab or let your clear-headed friend take the wheel on your way home.

  1. Ignoring Street Signs

Street signs are there not just to maintain orderly road traffic but also for the safety of everyone on the road. It is, therefore, common sense to follow them to prevent accidents from happening.

Another thing that many drivers do is make wrong turns and ignore the need to signal. Making sudden turns without using signals to communicate to other drivers is a risk factor that can lead to harm. Aside from the legal repercussions of not following traffic and street signs, you also expose yourself to safety hazards.

  1. Reckless Driving

Recklessness is a common cause of auto accidents that’s entirely your or the other driver’s fault. It is an attitude in driving, one that can be prevented only if the person driving is willing to change it. Being reckless and impulsive when maneuvering the wheel can endanger not only your own life but also the lives of other people. Be a driver who stays safe by changing lanes gradually, displaying signals, and considering the other individuals on the road.

  1. Speeding

We all have a schedule to follow or an event to go to, but in case you don’t realize, speeding is not the solution to lateness. Other times, drivers just don’t want to stop at red light, so they step on the gas and break the speed limits. No matter the reason for speeding, it is a bad practice on the road that can quickly cause vehicular crashes.

  1. Tailgating

Another bad driving habit that can harm you and others is tailgating. When on the road, don’t get too close to the vehicle in your front. Often, drivers get annoyed by the slow driving of the car ahead of them that they don’t realize they’re just an inch away from it. This doesn’t give them enough time to act on any sudden braking or a quick turn made by the other car. The next time you hit the road, make sure you leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you.

While you can’t do anything about the driving attitude and habits of other drivers, be one who considers his life and the lives of others as precious and sacred. Accidents can happen anytime, but safe driving decreases the chance of getting into one. When an accident occurs, there are legal repercussions that warrant the expertise of a legal professional. Reach out to one from today and get help.

Gary Sterling

Gary Sterling seems like a serious man at first glance, but he has a remarkable desire to help others. His passion for learning about various niches had him stumble upon legal and medical niches, which constantly piqued his interests. He strives to make sure his pieces are not just informative, but entertaining to read as well. He likes to read fantasy novels whenever has free time.