3 reasons to consult an attorney after a car accident

**As written for The Safe Driver.


There’s nothing worse than being involved in a car collision. Whether the accident is your fault or the fault of another party, there are many factors that come into play in this situation. You need to make sure you, your party, and all parties involved are safe. Then, you will need to assess the situation to determine who caused the accident and who should be held responsible.

If you find yourself in a car accident, it’s best to consult an attorney to ensure the proper course of action is taken. Be sure that this law expert is familiar with the laws and regulations that govern your state. If the accident took place in California, for instance, working with an Orange County car accident lawyer would be the best option to ensure legal proceedings are filed accurately. Here are three reasons why you should schedule a consultation with a car accident attorney following your collision.


Handle negotiations with insurance companies


It may be possible to settle your case without taking legal action. This isn’t always the case, but it is typically the fastest method for getting past this challenging situation. Personal injury attorneys deal with insurance providers frequently and have a lot of experience in these matters. If they find that the compiled evidence isn’t enough to hold up in court or if additional factors come into play, your attorney will communicate this to you. As such, they may inform you when it’s your best option to settle out of court.


Assist in proving your losses


Regardless if you take your case to court or work to get a fair settlement from your insurance company, you’ll need to determine how much money you’ve lost because of the accident. Though it sounds simple, this can actually be a real challenge without the assistance of an attorney.


This sum should include damages to your car, medical bills, and even lost wages due to an inability to get to work. Your attorney will know the proper steps to take to ensure you are able to back your losses estimate with the appropriate documentation.


Your attorney will help you to compile all of these documents and notify you of what you still need to move forward. For instance, if your injury prevents you from going to work, your attorney can help you request the documentation needed from your employer to support this fact.


Your legal expert can also advise you about proper steps to take with your vehicle. While you may want to visit a trusted car dealership in Colchester, CT to purchase a new car as soon as possible, your attorney may suggest that you hold off on such a step until after the case is settled.


File a personal injury lawsuit


If you do decide to take legal action against the other driver, you’ll need to file a personal injury lawsuit. This can be a complicated matter that will typically require the expertise of a lawyer. Some of the steps that need to be taken before filing a lawsuit include determining the allegations against the defendant. In other words, what did this driver do to make the accident happen that could have been avoided otherwise? Once the lawsuit is ready, your attorney will need to serve it to the defendant. This may be done by a sheriff or through certified mail, and you’ll then have to wait for a response.


Statistics show that 95 percent of cases are settled out of court, but regardless of the outcome, it’s vital to have an attorney advise you on the best route for your particular case.


Following a car accident, there are crucial steps to take to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. It’s important to know that you will have much better success getting the results you want when you have a lawyer on your side. Though it may be legal to represent yourself, an attorney is all too familiar with the process and can help gather the needed evidence and speed up the filing and compensation processes. Be sure to go with an attorney who is familiar with your state laws and is specialized in personal injury.