Scott Marshal
l has been involved in road safety for well over 30 years. Recently he has been a judge on 3 seasons of Canada’s Worst Driver on Discovery Network and also hosted The National Driving Test http://bit.ly/szXJqc . Scott started writing driving columns for his community paper in 2005. Since then his columns have been printed in several publications including newspaper, magazines and various web-sites.
You can reach Scott via e-mail with any questions or comments at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
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I found you through Bob Zimmerman at Car Care News’ blog. I love your material. I am a 59 year old driver with one incident: it happened going at a crawl (about 5 kph). I was texting a company to let them know I was stuck in a one lane construction backup as far a the eye could see. Trouble was, I was driving a Ford F-350 crew cab diesel equipped with a frame mounted deer guard. (I worked hauling RV’s back in their heyday).
I looked down at my phone for a matter of a few seconds during which time the semi with a 53 foot full load came to an abrupt stop for a deer trying to cross the traffic crawl. It was rutting season and he was a little crazy. Anyway, the moral of the story was no bodily injury, no airbag deployment and $2500 bill for the damage.
Lesson learned. Thanks for the great information. I will look forward to sharing tips with you. I have a new article posting to the blogsite at Noon CDT today. http://shopmarketingtips.com I think you will like it. It’s about viral video gone bad.
Be safe and keep up the wonderful work you are doing. Please let me know if the U.S. has a teen safe driving national program. I’ve never heard of one and our youngest son of 6 is turning 15. I think it would be helpful for a 3rd party to teach him driving skills. My incident ruined my perfect record.
[…] of Canada and author of the blog The Safe Driver. Scott has also been the judge on three seasons of Canada’s Worst Driver on the Discovery Network. Scott will share his knowledge and insight on staying safe on the road […]
This is one of the most informative and well written driving safety sites I’ve come across – I’ll be recommending some of your articles to some friends with teen drivers. Just wanted to mention that your readers might find student driver signs useful for new drivers. Keep up the great work Scott.
Thanks very much.
How about a list of top 5 worst intersections, highways, merges etc. voted on by bloggers? Awesome site, very informative about alot of stuff we use everyday when driving, but don’t really think about. I like the article on manners, road rage is so rampant. Great blog!
Thanks Tara! I appreciate your words. I also like your idea and will put that out to people. I just need to put it into an article format. Thanks again!
[…] later this month for tips and advice on driving in winter conditions featuring an interview with ‘The Safe Driver’ himself, Scott Marshall, director of Training for Young Drivers of […]
You might be interested in my creation. The aim is to allow parents to be notified if their beginning driver drives in an unsafe fashion.
Have a great day and keep up the great work of informing others about safe driving practices.
Michael Carpenter
Do you have a collection of good examples of letters written to legislators (esp here in USA) that get their attention?
My recent letter to the state representative was answered that they apparently think any action is OK as long as it is Non-partisan. How do I respond to that?
Hi, Scott, I see your name on twitter sometimes.
Those worst drivers are a funny show, I can suggest some candidates!
Hi Lena! Thanks! They certainly are quite the drivers! There are more of the ‘worst drivers’ around us all the time. Find me on twitter and follow!
I wrote an article on the New Post Auto brake system.
Its gone.
I have just register with your site.
Thanks for following Peter and thanks for your comments.
Hi, Scott, have you considered using a slightly larger font for your article text? It might really improve the readability.
I’m 49 and living in North Carolina. :-).
Thanks for your articles.
[…] month’s blog post comes to us from the talented and prolific Scott Marshall, who is director of training for Young Drivers of Canada and founder of The Safe Driver blog. We […]