Category: Adjusting to vehicles

Did you know….

Living in a household with 4 kids, they will often learn things in school and then try to stump the rest of us when they get home with their new found information. I try to do the same things when I’m teaching students at Young Drivers of Canada, whether they are new drivers or seasoned…

Learning to drive in winter is a smart idea

A comment that we often hear is “Why should I learn to drive in the winter when the summer is so much nicer”. That may be true, but wouldn’t it be better to learn how to accelerate, brake and steer when road conditions are not normal when you can have an instructor sitting beside you?…

If our cars were sponge…

As a teaching tool for Young Drivers of Canada in the classroom we have magnetic cars which are made of sponge. A lot of my students think they’re cool and funny and often want to play with them during breaks and lunch. My students and I were talking about them during break recently when one…

Do you know where your car is?

Do you know where your car is? If I made you look out onto your driveway, that’s not exactly what I meant. I will see drivers hit objects on the road, including driving through the centre of a pothole or hitting poles at the local drive-thru. Why couldn’t they avoid that object or pothole? I’ve…

Canada’s Worst Driver 8…the updates

So here it is; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th year that people try to prove to others they aren’t bad drivers or try to get the much needed help they or other people wish they could get. I like to think that by watching what these drivers do, others who…

Canada’s Worst Driver…8

Well, it’s happening again; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th season. When I first appeared as a judge during their first 3 seasons, I never thought it would last this long. Are there really that many people across our country who want to embarrass themselves on national television? Apparently there are….

Do you have any standards?

Do you have any standards? I don’t; I never did. I’m not talking about your values or morals; I’m talking about manual transmission vehicles. I’ve always had an automatic transmission vehicle. I was already teaching students with an automatic transmission vehicle at Young Drivers of Canada before I learned how to drive a standard transmission…

An uplifting experience

I recently saw a vehicle pass me when I was driving through the city. I know that doesn’t seem unusual, but I actually never saw the driver. When I glanced to their vehicle, it appeared that no one was in the driver’s seat. The head restraint was the only thing I saw as they went…