Category: avoiding a rear crash

It’s time to make a change

We can change our mind, change our looks and even change jobs, but what seems to be a problem with many people is learning how to change lanes. What seems to be a simple driving action seems to be giving many drivers grief of many years. How confident are you with changing lanes? One of…

In case of emergency…

Raising 4 kids is a lot of fun, but also means a lot of work for both me and my wife. We try to do the proper things and to teach them about life at the same time. Ensuring our kids are always safe is a big priority for us, as it is for many…

Turning left can be safer

I love driving. Okay, that’s got to be one of the most obvious statements I can make if you’re a regular reader of my articles. One of the reasons I enjoy driving is the fact I create space around my vehicle to help me and my passengers remain safe. I also get to share these…

Rain, rain go away…

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Remember that little song as a kid? I sometimes have that song in my head even as an adult. Mainly because there are things I need to do and the rain slows down my day. The main thing the rain does to many drivers is slow down…

Here’s mud in your eye!

Wash your face. Wash your hands before dinner. Did you wash behind your ears? These are all things we’ve heard growing up from our parents and now as we get older and – umm – more responsible, we’re supposed to keep washing, right? Well, not so much as it appears. I recently saw this vehicle…

Exiting the freeway also takes skill

Watching traffic is my passion, my job and my hobby. It’s tough to turn it off when I’m not working as a driving instructor for Young Drivers of Canada. Do I need a therapist because I watch traffic in my spare time or should I just “roll with it”? I’m perfectly happy with my situation…

Puddles, pedestrians and drivers…oh my!

Sometimes we’re torn between doing the proper thing and letting things go. Sometimes our good intentions get in the way of safety. We either do the right thing, but it isn’t the safest thing, and sometimes it’s the opposite. Do you ever have these same feelings as well? Our winter brought us piles of snow,…

Are you a believer?

I believe that we all have beliefs. Do you believe me? When we were kids we believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and perhaps even the tooth fairy. As time went on we stopped believing in those things and we started to believe in other things. We will believe in our own religion, our…