Category: Canada’s Worst Driver

Canada’s Worst Driver 7…..the updates

I had recently written an intro to Canada’s Worst Driver 7 where I gave an insight to this year’s participants of Afiya Lassy, Sly Grosjean, Lauri Bencharski, Ben Reiman, Tab Parks, Jon Parsons, Shirley Sampson and Aaron Cheshire You may want to review that before reading this post. Afiya has an attitude that will…

Canada’s Worst Driver…7

So it’s happening again; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is season 7 and to be quite honest, after 7 seasons, has it run its course? I know there’s a following of this show across our great land as I still get recognized from my stint as a judge on the show for seasons…

Parallel or paranoid…you decide

What are some of the toughest things and most frightening things that drivers do? You may be thinking of merging onto the freeway, but that’s not it. You may be thinking of driving in heavy traffic, but that’s not it. I’m referring to the dreaded parallel park, or, as some people refer to it; the…

Saying sorry isn’t always good enough

Raising our kids is a full time job. We try to teach them right from wrong. With some luck, they’ll grow up to become a good person. Knowing right from wrong is part of growing up. Knowing when to apologize is also as important, but is it enough? As a driver, does saying “sorry” to…

The sign of the times

When I worked on Discovery Channel’s show Canada’s Worst Driver, we had a participant from season one that tried to read every sign visible to him. He thought that if it was placed on the side of the road, there must be a reason for it. For that reason, he tried to read every one…

Are you pumped?

There are many things we need to do as a driver; from proper observational skills, to co-ordination, response time, and early thought processing, but what about the ability to pump gas? Does it take skill, luck or any knowledge whatsoever? How many times have you seen drivers do it incorrectly that it makes you chuckle…

Canada’s Worst Driver….6?

So, season 6 of Canada’s Worst Driver on Discovery has begun. Apparently, they have a candidate by the name of Scott. This isn’t me. However, I was a judge for the first 3 seasons of Canada’s Worst Driver. The ‘Scott’ on season 6 is 25 and although I was 25 once before, that was a…

The worst drivers are always near…

I had the pleasure of being asked to participate in the Discovery Channel’s series Canada’s Worst Driver for their first 3 seasons. The drivers were interesting people. Most were friendly and polite and just nice people. But I have to tell you, those people are bad drivers and worse drivers in person. The common denominator…