Category: cell phones

Distracted driving is more than using your phone

For more than a decade we’ve really stepped it up with social media. We can find out what’s happening within our world every second of the day. That is, if you want to. To many people, they can’t let a moment go by without knowing what’s happening. Our phones play a big part of this…

Which month has the most vehicle crashes?

For years I would ask the question to drivers; which month of the year has the most vehicle crashes? Typically I would get December, January or February. But that’s not the case. Do you have any idea which month has the most crashes? How does July sound? After revealing the answer, I would often see…

Is using a cell phone while driving an addiction?

It’s been a few years since our governments have made using a cell phone without a hands-free device illegal while driving. Sitting at a red light in traffic and using your phone is also illegal. Even though it’s been illegal for some time and widely publicized, it still happens every day. The numbers of tickets…

How distracted driving really affects your abilities

As written for The Insurance Bureau of Canada. Please visit their blog; Remember as a kid you kept hearing the same things from your parents over and over again? The interesting thing is after some time, we tended to ignore what our parents said until what they were warning us about actually happened. This also…

Technology and distractions – what have we done!

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. I currently have the pleasure of being able to drive two new vehicles; one for work and one for pleasure. Both of them have new technology within the seating compartment that makes driving…shall we say…different than it was a mere ten years ago. Although some…

Talk is cheap

Talk is cheap. We know that. I often try to prove what I’m trying to get across whenever I’m training someone how to drive at Young Drivers of Canada. There’s an old saying that “it’s more difficult to argue with yourself than it is with someone else”. If I can get someone to buy into…

How long?

Rarely a day goes by that my kids and I aren’t joking around with each other. They all have a good sense of humour and always seem to follow my lead. We recently started to play a game called “How Long?” where I ask them questions and they have to answer. Most of the questions…

Is a higher fine enough?

Raising kids is always a challenge. We all know that. Our kids have to learn early on in their lives that they are responsible for their own actions. If they continue to do the same actions, they need to face the consequences. Without follow through, they won’t change their behaviour. For those parents who are…