Category: common sense

It’s never too late to change

I know we’re in a hurry to do things these days. It’s part of our society to be busy. Part of the problem we have is that we run out of time to get everything done that we need to get done. Do you ever find yourself rushing around to get things done that you…

Saying sorry isn’t always good enough

Raising our kids is a full time job. We try to teach them right from wrong. With some luck, they’ll grow up to become a good person. Knowing right from wrong is part of growing up. Knowing when to apologize is also as important, but is it enough? As a driver, does saying “sorry” to…

Seatbelts aren’t decorations

My ears tend to perk up when I hear anything to do with driving. Whether it’s on the TV news, people having a conversation or in print, I listen carefully to what people are saying. Sometimes I use these methods to update my knowledge of driving techniques and changes to driving laws. Sometimes, I hear…

Being a driving instructor is exciting and fun….seriously

I love my job as a driving instructor. I enjoy meeting people and spending time with people. I enjoy showing others how to improve their ability as a driver. There are many people who have told me they aren’t patient enough to teach someone how to drive. I think it’s fun, but every now and…

Seeing is believing

As many people do, I wear glasses to drive. I’m near sighted, which means I can see things clearly when they are close to me. I read, write and eat with my glasses off but in order to see the movie, the TV, play sports or drive I need my glasses on. With the high…

Think green, drive green

Spring is my favourite season of them all. I enjoy seeing how the leaves begin to turn green again. And with spring coming fast and everything waiting to turn green, I ask this question; do you drive green as well? I’m not asking if your vehicle is green. I’m asking if you think of the…

You CAN fight against Murphy’s Law and win

Things happen for a reason. We all know that. We don’t have to like it, but we should at least accept it. Our friend Murphy always keeps us on our toes. You know what I mean; Murphy’s Law seems to rule our lives too many times. Since Murphy’s Law always seems to rear its ugly…

When is speeding acceptable?

There seems to be the debate again about the speed you must travel while driving along city streets and freeways. I was asked recently when it’s ok to speed. That can be a tough question to answer. For the most part, you really need to keep to the posted speed limit. Posted speeds are there…