Category: communicating

The final stage…

Life is about learning and enjoying. For many of us, learning new things and becoming proficient at them allows us to enjoy them more. This was the case for both my son and I when he was learning to drive. He was learning how to drive safely in a consistent manner and I was learning…

Some of you may hazard to guess

When I’m teaching my students how to drive at Young Drivers of Canada I’ll ask them to list the different ways they can communicate to other road users while driving. Most answers they give me include their signals, brake lights, head lights and of course the horn. Some of them are pretty knowledgeable and let…

Time will tell…

There’s an old saying that “time heals all wounds”. Some of us believe it and some of us don’t. I think it really depends upon the situation and the person. We also hear people tell us that “time will tell”. In other words, if you wait long enough you’ll know if you were correct with…

The best way to use high beam headlights…

I enjoy teaching and spending time with people. It’s been fun teaching my own son how to drive and recently he had a chance to drive on a dark rural road at night. I know many people would refuse that type of drive, but he actually asked to drive as we were heading off to…

It’s time to make a change

We can change our mind, change our looks and even change jobs, but what seems to be a problem with many people is learning how to change lanes. What seems to be a simple driving action seems to be giving many drivers grief of many years. How confident are you with changing lanes? One of…

Assuming you assume…

We tend to take some things for granted throughout our lives. We assume the weather will always be nice when we take a vacation, we assume people will like us for who we are and we assume we’ll never get hurt while goofing off with our friends or family. We even take this belief of…

Say it with your hand

What do you mean? I don’t understand. What did you say? We’ve all said these things to people who are trying to tell us things. If we don’t understand what people are trying to tell us, there’s no communication between us. The same can be said about drivers. How well do you communicate and do…

Rain, rain go away…

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Remember that little song as a kid? I sometimes have that song in my head even as an adult. Mainly because there are things I need to do and the rain slows down my day. The main thing the rain does to many drivers is slow down…