Category: driver responsibility

Is that cool or not cool?

My kids make fun of me as I still say ‘cool’ a lot of the time. They must think I’m too old to use it regularly except when describing the weather. The reality is I’m not that old…probably. I believe that the word cool can describe many things and that most of society understands the…

Even after all these years…

I was recently contacted by a former student of mine. They were telling me how they’ve driven collision free and ticket free sine they received their license. The cool thing was they were my student at Young Drivers of Canada back in 1991! Over 20 years of safe driving is a feat all in itself,…

When is slowing down not slow enough?

Have you ever had the feeling of doing something wrong but didn’t quite know what it was you were doing wrong? Many drivers across our great land have the same feeling while leaving a freeway or other fast moving roadway. They apply the brakes and begin to slow down only they aren’t going slow enough….

Some drivers need a good talking to!

Honk twice if you like peace and quiet. I brake for garage sales. None of these are of my opinion, I’ve just noticed them on bumper stickers. I’m not a fan of bumper stickers and never really have been. I don’t like the glue residue they leave on the vehicle and some people really try…

Do we really need a sign?

You can’t see the forest because of the trees. Come on, open your eyes. You never find what you’re not looking for. We often hear about how important our eyesight is for a variety of things, but do we use it well enough considering that not everyone has the gift of sight? One of the…

Construction workers aren’t the law

We all know there are 2 seasons; winter and construction. We’ve all experienced slower traffic flow during construction zones and we’ve needed to make adjustments in our route plans and how we drove through this area. Are there things that we may take for granted while driving through a construction zone that may cause us…


For regular readers you’ll know my passion for safer roads. I try to allow drivers to think about possible situations before they happen so they can be mentally ready to respond. I talk about cyclist, pedestrians and not just drivers and their passengers. I think this time I need to go back to pedestrians. We’ve…

Share and share alike…even with cyclists

Share and share alike; we’ve heard that many, many times over the years. We’ve been asked to share our toys when we were a kid. We’ve shared our tools, food and good times with family and friends as well. How about sharing the road? Are you too aggressive to share the road or do you…