Category: driver responsibility

Drinking and driving never works

Ever since I was a kid in school, I’ve heard about how drinking and driving was wrong, illegal and extremely dangerous. We teach how to avoid impaired driving at Young Drivers of Canada, but as I’ve found out over the last couple of decades, the students that I’ve taught really know a lot of the…

When is bad weather, bad enough?

We all have to make decisions in life that make us think hard about our choices. When we’re driving, that happens every day. But how far will you go before you decide it isn’t worth it? Recently, there was a terrible snow storm across our region. The conditions were so bad that transport trucks and…

What’s the hurry anyway?

Our society tells us that we live in busy times. With 4 kids all active with many activities, I totally believe the reports, but there has to be times that we need to slow down and enjoy the ride, right? I mean, speeding through busy roads and weaving throughout traffic doesn’t really help the situation,…

Keeping the kids in check on trips

Since we’re heading into the holiday season, perhaps we need a few reminders before taking those holiday trips. A lot of families make those long drives to visit friends and family over the holidays. It’s always a nice time when we all get together, but how do you keep your kids in check on these…

Do you see the signs?

I speak with many people each year who tell me how good a driver they are. I’ve been in the vehicle with many of these people, but they don’t seem to be able to prove it. Most miss the “little” things that would help them become better drivers. For example, a lot of drivers get…

Canada’s Worst Driver….6?

So, season 6 of Canada’s Worst Driver on Discovery has begun. Apparently, they have a candidate by the name of Scott. This isn’t me. However, I was a judge for the first 3 seasons of Canada’s Worst Driver. The ‘Scott’ on season 6 is 25 and although I was 25 once before, that was a…

Doing the right thing can save a life

I was recently talking to new instructors when they asked how I get ideas for these articles. Most of the time I get ideas from people I speak with and from the media reports of crashes. Other times I see something happen and I take a photo of it. Keeping my camera handy always helps….

Which rules do you follow?

Raising my kids has been an adventure. They’re all old enough to recognize good from evil; most of the time. They will also tend to do a lot of things they see me do. You know the saying; monkey see – monkey do. Do you think kids will copy the bad things you do? I…