Category: driver responsibility

Do your fears control you?

Watching the recent Winter Olympics has made me think; do these athletes have any fears? Can you imagine going down a hill as fast as possible with only a helmet on? I’m not a skier, but just the thought of flying down the hill gives me goose bumps. If they started out in their sport having…

Are you prepared to handle emergencies?

We all know that emergencies do happen from time to time, but are you ready to handle them when they do happen? I know that we all wish that emergencies would happen to someone else, but that’s not always going to happen when we’re driving. Since most drivers suffer from the “it-won’t-happen-to-me” syndrome, it may…

Time to clear the air

Every now and then we need to be reminded of what’s right and what’s not right. That’s why we have parents to keep us in line when we’re kids and now the government as we get older. Rules help to guide our lives and whether we like the rules or not, we need to respect…

Is it really freedom?

When I’m teaching new drivers I will ask them why they are taking our training course. Most of their answers are to get their license, to learn to drive safely and to gain confidence. Lately, I’ve had the answer of “to get my freedom”. Does driving for you mean you’ve got freedom? For the most…

Do you trust me?

We were brought up learning not to trust other people. We couldn’t talk to strangers, go for rides with strangers or take candy from strangers. (Although I’m sure Halloween confuses small kids, don’t you think?) So, with all of this concern regarding strangers, why do we trust strangers when we drive? One of the most…

Stop or slow, what’s the difference?

I was speaking recently to a licensed driver who had a few driving problems. I had taken him out for a driving evaluation and noticed he rolled his stops. He wasn’t aware he was doing that until I explained what he was doing. Do you roll stops as well? Maybe you do, but aren’t sure….

Where is the steering wheel anyway?

For centuries we’ve had vehicles that have had room for passengers to sit behind the driver. Horse-drawn carriages had a backseat or a wagon had a bed to sit in. When the automobile came onto the scene, it came with seats in the back so we can carry more passengers. But that’s the thing; they…