Category: driver risk taking

Risk taking while driving…are you part of the problem or the solution?

Taking calculated risks is something we all do throughout our lives. We do it when we get a mortgage, pay rent, have car payments or anything we put on credit. We take the risk we won’t lose our job or hope that interest rates won’t go up. But, are those all the risks we take?…

If the unexpected is expected is it really unexpected?

Let’s face facts, there are a lot of things we trust in our lives, especially when it comes to driving. We trust drivers will stop at red lights and not blow through the intersection, we expect drivers will check to see if it’s clear before changing lanes and we never expect to get into a…

It’s not the road that causes the crash

Raising four kids has taught me a lot. One of those things it taught me is to get my facts straight before I lay blame. It also taught me to do that with other things in life as opposed to jumping to conclusions. Driving is one of those things. Many times I’ve heard how people…

Learning to drive in the “ready position”

Are you the type of person who likes to prepare for things early? Do you pack for vacation well ahead of time? Do you make your lunch the night before so it will be ready for you in the morning? I tend to do most of those things as well to save time. I try…

Parking brakes are more than just for parking

I’m sure there have been times in our lives where we don’t use the muscles we may have used previously. I remember playing baseball, then not throwing the ball around very much for a few years and then trying to get back out there and play again. My arm was sore and my legs were…

Distracted driving is more than using your phone

For more than a decade we’ve really stepped it up with social media. We can find out what’s happening within our world every second of the day. That is, if you want to. To many people, they can’t let a moment go by without knowing what’s happening. Our phones play a big part of this…

When a crash hits close to home…

One of the things I enjoy about heading up to the cottage for a vacation each year is the actual drive itself. Spending five hours behind the wheel with family creates good conversation and a relaxing time for me. Time at the cottage is very relaxing as well and we can’t wait to get there,…

Are you a risk taker?

Are you a risk taker? I know that’s a bold question, but one I think we need to ask ourselves from time to time. Smart risk takers in business grow their business and do well for themselves. Is there such a thing as a smart risk taker when it comes to driving? Let’s face facts;…