Category: driver stress

It’s your choice

I remember a time when I was a kid when I got these great new running shoes. These shoes were white and had “racing stripes” down the side. I remember telling my mom they would help me run faster than ever! I even went into the backyard and showed her. I believed the “hype” of…

Winter driving “do’s”

I recently wrote about a few of the common things that drivers need to stop doing while driving in winter weather, so I thought it would be a good time to write about things that we, as drivers should do. To some, this may seem like common sense, but experience has shown me this isn’t…

The final stage…

Life is about learning and enjoying. For many of us, learning new things and becoming proficient at them allows us to enjoy them more. This was the case for both my son and I when he was learning to drive. He was learning how to drive safely in a consistent manner and I was learning…

Is there value in “buses only” lanes?

I’m a big supporter of my community and saving our environment. I will walk or ride my bike when I can and I also plan my trips so I can avoid wasting fuel, time and money. I look for ways to do that every day. However, when I see a waste that also affects many…

Good deeds never go unnoticed

I was always raised in such a way as to help others in need. I’ve been raising my kids to have the same beliefs. I firmly believe that if we help others, they’ll help others and the chain continues. It may not always continue, but I am an optimist and do believe some people continue…

Is it an accident or a collision?

We’ve grown up hearing how at times words can be hurtful. I’m sure we’ve all said things that we may regret later in life. We’ve also said things that essentially mean very little. I think it’s all about how you take what’s been said. To some people, words mean very little. They’re just words. To…

Funeral processions…the need to know

I recently had a long-time friend pass away. It was unexpected and was caused by a heart attack. I was able to attend the visitation but was unable to go to the funeral or travel to the cemetery for the burial. Ironically, I was also recently asked shortly afterwards about the responsibilities of drivers who…

Take advantage of what you’ve got

I love a bargain. If I don’t have to pay full price for something, I’m there. With four kids you learn to take advantage of things when you can to allow you to get ahead. I also try to get to where I’m going on time, if not early. I try to take advantage of…