Category: driver visibility

Turning left can be safer

I love driving. Okay, that’s got to be one of the most obvious statements I can make if you’re a regular reader of my articles. One of the reasons I enjoy driving is the fact I create space around my vehicle to help me and my passengers remain safe. I also get to share these…

Steady pressure wins the money

We all know there are times when we push the envelope and try to get ahead. For many of us, we only think about the immediate and not about the future. But what about long term? Do we think about our long term goals or objectives enough, especially while driving? Probably not, but it’s never…

Rain, rain go away…

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Remember that little song as a kid? I sometimes have that song in my head even as an adult. Mainly because there are things I need to do and the rain slows down my day. The main thing the rain does to many drivers is slow down…

No scream for ice cream

It’s that time of year; kids outside playing, having fun with their friends. With the nice weather comes more outside activities. As a father of four kids, I’m often tied up with getting involved with their activities such as coaching baseball, soccer and camping. Another common activity a lot of kids have is searching out…

I just can’t see it

I think we’ve all heard the saying “you can’t see the forest because of the trees”, but sometimes it should be “you can’t see the road because of the hedges”. Having good visibility is the key to entering intersections safely, but sometimes it can be tough to see clearly enough to proceed into intersection. What…

The little things mean a lot

Like many drivers, I do like doing the proper thing, especially while driving near other vehicles. I also teach my students at Young Drivers of Canada to do the same things. It’s always a good idea to know why we’re doing certain things and not just because “I was told to”. I also believe in…

Take advantage of what you’ve got

I love a bargain. If I don’t have to pay full price for something, I’m there. With four kids you learn to take advantage of things when you can to allow you to get ahead. I also try to get to where I’m going on time, if not early. I try to take advantage of…

Sit back and relax

I’m the type of person who likes to be comfortable. I’ll often sit in my best chair at home, put up my feet and relax. Stretching out feels good, doesn’t it? I don’t like being cramped and know many people who don’t like it either. However, I do spot drivers heading on down the road…