Category: driving articles

Plan the escape or use the escape?

Many things often come in bunches. We’ve often heard that good things come in three’s; but what about bad things? Do they come in three’s too? After the week I’ve just had, I would certainly think so! The risky week started when I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Monitoring my mirror while…

Do you have respect for yourself?

One of the main jobs we have as parents is to teach our kids to respect other people and their property. My parents did the same thing with my sister, brother and I and that allowed me to understand what it takes as a parent. We were constantly told to stay off the neighbour’s front…

Can’t see the forest because of the trees

You can’t see the forest because of the trees. You could lose your glasses if they were on your face. We’ve heard these sayings before and many more like them when we can’t seem to see the obvious. Having your mind “elsewhere” tends to make us lose our concentration on what we’re currently doing. We’ll…

Racing a train can throw you off track

Heading up to the cottage each year means we tend to drive on a variety of different roadways; some city roads, freeways and highways. With the secondary highways often come railway crossings. In Canada, roughly 30 people every year die from being hit by a train and roughly 600 more in the US. That’s 630…

Pay attention for shiny things

Pay attention! We’ve all heard that from our parents when we were kids and we’ve all said that to our kids as parents. There’s something about not always paying attention to what we’re doing that gets us in trouble. One of my kids gets distracted often and we have to keep reminding him to watch…

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Life is so busy. Wait; you already know that. The busier we get, the more stress it seems we also get. Part of controlling the stress we may have while driving is being prepared and having a solid plan. As the saying goes; failing to plan is planning to fail. As a driver we need…

Driving through an obstacle course

Talking about driving is my passion. I will often do my job as a driving instructor for Young Drivers of Canada seven days a week. If I end up with a day off, I’m often driving my kids to different places or running errands I couldn’t do during the week. When people realize I’m a…

Should passengers control the driver’s choices?

I trust my friends and family very much. When you’re down and need help, you can always count on your family and friends to bail you out, right? I’ve helped my friends move furniture, fix their cars, redecorate and many other things. They’ve also helped me in similar situations, but where does helping others stop?…