Category: driving articles

It’s driving quiz time!

In today’s world, many people like to challenge themselves. Sometimes it’s through sports, or competitions, or even through education. So far I’ve done a couple of driving quizzes; one for commuters and a winter quiz. I thought it’s time for a quiz to see what kind of a driver you. How’s your general driving knowledge?…

I encourage you to try this

For the more than 27 years that I’ve been a driving instructor with Young Drivers of Canada I’ve been known as a supporter; someone who encourages others to do their best. To be honest, there are some days it can be difficult to encourage others. Regardless, I still feel it’s important to do. Are you…

Fulfil your passion for driving… and for cars

Let’s face it; I love cars and I love driving… and I’m not alone. Millions of people worldwide share this passion. For over 27 years I’ve tried to instill road safety on as many people as I possibly can. In my spare time I go to car shows and drool over those amazing machines and…

There’s more to waiting in traffic than…actually waiting

Wait. Wait. Wait. We seem to be waiting a lot these days. Whether it’s in line at the cashier in a store, at a gas station or to get into the movies, waiting is part of our lives. Waiting in traffic is also part of our lives; an everyday occurrence. As mundane as it seems,…

You never find what you’re not looking for

I’ve talked to many people over the years about what makes someone a good driver. Many say its attitude. Others say good reaction time does the trick. Some will say proper training is the key. Well, those all play a role into whether or not you’re going to be a good driver, but let’s look…

It’s time to listen to those who care

We all know people who do things because they care; teachers, parents, coaches, aunts, uncles and many others. Have you ever asked yourself why they do these things? Is it because they were told to or is there a genuine part of themselves that wants to help others? Most people who help with the sole…

Getting more value from your vehicle starts with you

Getting good value from the things you have is important to just about everyone. There are so many things people do to try to save money, including buying things they need when they are on sale, using coupons and perhaps using discount stores. Everyone needs to have a spare car key, but aren’t always sure…

How to avoid the perils of potholes

As written for The Insurance Bureau of Canada. Please visit their blog. We seem to have a pretty good crop so far this year. It almost seems after each rainfall there’s more and more. The crop seems to grow quickly when the mild weather happens. Does this sound familiar? Do you think I’m referring to…