Category: driving basics

Brake early…with no regrets

Hindsight; we’ve all experienced it from time to time. We end up doing things and after it’s done we wish we had done something else. How often does this happen to you? Perhaps a better question is how often does it happen to you while you’re driving? Do you regret making some of your driving…

Back in or back out? Is there a real difference?

We are all creatures of habit so much that we rarely change what we’re doing until someone or something brings it to our attention. We do things that we always do hoping to get the same results. Does this sound like you? Well, now is the time to make some conscience changes to your driving…

Distracted driving – what you may have missed

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. We’ve heard so much recently about distracted driving that we’re probably pretty tired about hearing all of the problems associated to doing it. Part of the issue is we keep barking at the same problems. People seem to block out what they’re tired of hearing,…

I’ve found my purpose. Have you?

We all have a purpose in life. That’s what I’ve been told and I pretty much believe that, even when life throws you a curveball. When bad news happens to us, we often ask “Why me?” Maybe there was a purpose for it. Who knows. What I do know is we can all make a…

Driving without road signs

Ever since we were kids we were always told what to do. We either grew up with our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and even siblings telling us what we should do and should not do. For those who get married, that role is transferred over to our spouse. When we get a job our…

Right of way is about giving, not taking

One of the discussions I seem to have on a monthly basis is about right of way. It seems to be confusing to many people; drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike. What’s your take on this confusing law? Do you have a solid understanding or does it confuse you every now and then? I often refer…

You, your kids, your car, their life

Being a parent has so many responsibilities that I can’t even begin to list them all. One of the things that remain at the top of our list is ensuring that our kids are safe. I personally know how I feel when one of my kids injures themselves. No parent would really want to purposely…

Talk is cheap

Talk is cheap. We know that. I often try to prove what I’m trying to get across whenever I’m training someone how to drive at Young Drivers of Canada. There’s an old saying that “it’s more difficult to argue with yourself than it is with someone else”. If I can get someone to buy into…