Category: driving directions

Technology and distractions – what have we done!

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. I currently have the pleasure of being able to drive two new vehicles; one for work and one for pleasure. Both of them have new technology within the seating compartment that makes driving…shall we say…different than it was a mere ten years ago. Although some…

Funeral processions…the need to know

I recently had a long-time friend pass away. It was unexpected and was caused by a heart attack. I was able to attend the visitation but was unable to go to the funeral or travel to the cemetery for the burial. Ironically, I was also recently asked shortly afterwards about the responsibilities of drivers who…

Canada’s Worst Driver 8…the updates

So here it is; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th year that people try to prove to others they aren’t bad drivers or try to get the much needed help they or other people wish they could get. I like to think that by watching what these drivers do, others who…

Don’t forget your lunch!

Staying focused on things we’re doing can quite often be a challenge. We get so sidetracked in what we’re doing that we sometimes forget to complete our original tasks. Have you ever felt that way? You know; you start a task but end up doing something else and at some point you know you’ve forgotten…

Do one way streets confuse you too?

Things we’ve grown up with; playing with our friends in the park, riding a bike, going to school and… looking both ways before crossing the street. Remember how your parents always taught you to do that as pedestrians and now as parents we teach our own kids to do the same thing? Should we continue…

Did you forget you have a bad memory?

We all tend to forget things from time to time. We may not like it, but we tend to accept it. Its part of life, wouldn’t you say? There are things that tend to annoy us if we forget them though. Things like picking your kids up after their game or activity, running specific errands…

Did you see a sign?

In just about every jurisdiction around, you need to know what basic road signs mean in order to get your beginner’s permit. In Ontario, you’re allowed 4 signs wrong out of 20 and can still pass that portion of the written test. That’s not bad, but shouldn’t we know what all of the signs mean?…

Come on; get lost!

We all take trips throughout our lives that force up to figure out how to get there. It can be pretty simple to get from point A to point B if it was the same route every day. However, every now and then we have to travel to places we’ve never been to before. How…