Category: driving fatalities

Take a break – stay awake

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. I sometimes wonder what life would be like if we weren’t so busy. Would we be bored or would we learn to become more relaxed? Whether you’re busy with your job, your family or your pastimes, it can take quite a toll on us and…

Can you believe 10 seasons of Canada’s Worst Driver?

One of the most common conversation topics many people can relate to is the weather. If we had no weather, many people would just stop making small-talk with others. It’s a common element within our society. Something else millions of people can relate to is bad drivers. We’ve all seen them, been in the same…

Shouldering responsibility as a driver

Looking back at our childhood often makes us cringe at the things we’ve done. I’ve jumped out of a tree with an umbrella hoping it would act like a parachute. I’ve jumped off a cliff into the lake not knowing how deep the water really was, just to name a few. Maybe the most dangerous…

Talk is cheap

Talk is cheap. We know that. I often try to prove what I’m trying to get across whenever I’m training someone how to drive at Young Drivers of Canada. There’s an old saying that “it’s more difficult to argue with yourself than it is with someone else”. If I can get someone to buy into…

Is a higher fine enough?

Raising kids is always a challenge. We all know that. Our kids have to learn early on in their lives that they are responsible for their own actions. If they continue to do the same actions, they need to face the consequences. Without follow through, they won’t change their behaviour. For those parents who are…

Living the dream, or just dreaming?

I had a neighbour who would always answer me when I asked him how things were going for him by saying “I’m living the dream!” It’s not as common as we would like to live out our dreams. I have dreams too, but not all have become a reality. Some have, but not all. For…

Is it an accident or a collision?

We’ve grown up hearing how at times words can be hurtful. I’m sure we’ve all said things that we may regret later in life. We’ve also said things that essentially mean very little. I think it’s all about how you take what’s been said. To some people, words mean very little. They’re just words. To…

Turning left can be safer

I love driving. Okay, that’s got to be one of the most obvious statements I can make if you’re a regular reader of my articles. One of the reasons I enjoy driving is the fact I create space around my vehicle to help me and my passengers remain safe. I also get to share these…