Category: driving habits

It’s driving quiz time!

In today’s world, many people like to challenge themselves. Sometimes it’s through sports, or competitions, or even through education. So far I’ve done a couple of driving quizzes; one for commuters and a winter quiz. I thought it’s time for a quiz to see what kind of a driver you. How’s your general driving knowledge?…

I encourage you to try this

For the more than 27 years that I’ve been a driving instructor with Young Drivers of Canada I’ve been known as a supporter; someone who encourages others to do their best. To be honest, there are some days it can be difficult to encourage others. Regardless, I still feel it’s important to do. Are you…

Getting more value from your vehicle starts with you

Getting good value from the things you have is important to just about everyone. There are so many things people do to try to save money, including buying things they need when they are on sale, using coupons and perhaps using discount stores. Everyone needs to have a spare car key, but aren’t always sure…

Are you ready to leave winter driving behind?

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. Well, it might finally be here – spring. We’ve had a long, cold winter and I think everyone is looking forward to nicer weather. Many people begin to feel happier when the temperatures begin to rise. When that happens, we also begin to see more…

How to deal with road raging…as the giver and receiver

Let’s face it; we’re not happy all the time. Neither are the people we come across in our daily activities. Sometimes the grumpy, annoyed or angry feelings come with us where ever we go, including when we get into the vehicle. If you take these negative feelings with you while driving, this can often lead…

Safe Driving Week should last a full year

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. Throughout Canada we generally have two weeks of the year that focus on safe driving; one week in the spring and the other at the end of the year. This is usually brought to the interest of drivers through various organizations and government. The reasoning…

For some drivers, what would it take…

Where ever I go I often get asked driving advice. People want the little bits of information that will either prove to them they’re doing what they’re supposed to do, or advice to help them with things they never really knew. Often the purpose of my articles is to inform drivers of both of those…

Should residential speed limits drop?

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Remember how the tortoise won the race because they were moving slow and steady? As drivers we can learn from that story, plus much more. Not only does a slow and steady speed help you with fuel savings, it also helps you respond more easily to…