Category: Driving in traffic

You CAN fight against Murphy’s Law and win

Things happen for a reason. We all know that. We don’t have to like it, but we should at least accept it. Our friend Murphy always keeps us on our toes. You know what I mean; Murphy’s Law seems to rule our lives too many times. Since Murphy’s Law always seems to rear its ugly…

When is speeding acceptable?

There seems to be the debate again about the speed you must travel while driving along city streets and freeways. I was asked recently when it’s ok to speed. That can be a tough question to answer. For the most part, you really need to keep to the posted speed limit. Posted speeds are there…

Is there pressure to do the proper thing?

We have so much pressure on ourselves to do the proper thing these days. That pressure seems to start when we were kids as our parents checked up on us from time to time. Sometimes we end up making the wrong choices in life and if we’re lucky, we survive it. I’m sure you’ve done…

Why are cell phones still being used?

When I’m teaching students how to drive for Young Drivers of Canada, I give them the information one day and test their understanding the next time I see them. It helps me determine if they understood what was taught previously. Life is like that. Our parents and school teachers taught us things and over time,…

Take The National Driving Test!

One of the most common questions asked to millions of people over the last 100 plus years; “Are you a good driver?” That’s always been a difficult question to answer. There are so many factors involved in making that decision. Once you throw in distractions, it can seriously affect your driving ability. Well, now you…

What’s on your driving to-do list?

I often make to-do lists at home and at the office. It helps me stay in control of my day. I really hate forgetting things that I need to do because it puts me behind the next day. It’s also frustrating when it was an important thing to do and I totally forgot to do…

Could you avoid this crash?

Sometimes it’s difficult to decide if skill or luck is on our side when we do things. Playing sports is a good example. My son has scored goals during hockey games because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. One goal even bounced off his facemask into the net. Those…

What’s your reason?

We all do things for a reason. Well; we’re at least supposed to do things for a reason. Maybe even a good reason. Growing up, my dad used to say that if we didn’t have a good enough reason for doing something we shouldn’t do it. Good advice that I share with my kids to…