Category: Driving in traffic

Another episode of “did you know?”

Life is always about learning something new. Sometimes we set out to find something new and other times it’s just as if it slaps us in the face. Well, instead of slapping yourself, I thought I would bring you a few things you may not have known in regards to driving. So, without further delay,…

There’s more to waiting in traffic than…actually waiting

Wait. Wait. Wait. We seem to be waiting a lot these days. Whether it’s in line at the cashier in a store, at a gas station or to get into the movies, waiting is part of our lives. Waiting in traffic is also part of our lives; an everyday occurrence. As mundane as it seems,…

You never find what you’re not looking for

I’ve talked to many people over the years about what makes someone a good driver. Many say its attitude. Others say good reaction time does the trick. Some will say proper training is the key. Well, those all play a role into whether or not you’re going to be a good driver, but let’s look…

How to avoid the perils of potholes

As written for The Insurance Bureau of Canada. Please visit their blog. We seem to have a pretty good crop so far this year. It almost seems after each rainfall there’s more and more. The crop seems to grow quickly when the mild weather happens. Does this sound familiar? Do you think I’m referring to…

Driving into the sunset isn’t always romantic

Like most people, I enjoy having the bright sunshine compared to an overcast day anytime. Feeling the warmth on my face relaxes me and makes me happy…well, most of the time. Driving toward the bright sun isn’t always relaxing and driving into the sunset isn’t always romantic. Sometimes it can be blinding. Even though that’s…

Are you ready to leave winter driving behind?

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. Well, it might finally be here – spring. We’ve had a long, cold winter and I think everyone is looking forward to nicer weather. Many people begin to feel happier when the temperatures begin to rise. When that happens, we also begin to see more…

Singing while driving is common…but what about dancing while driving?

Do you ever find yourself in public doing something just a little out of the ordinary? Figuring no one is watching, you just keep doing what you’re doing. Well, sorry to bust your bubble, sometimes people do watch. Okay, that sounds creepy, but it’s not really. It’s kind of funny actually. Recently while I was…

How to deal with road raging…as the giver and receiver

Let’s face it; we’re not happy all the time. Neither are the people we come across in our daily activities. Sometimes the grumpy, annoyed or angry feelings come with us where ever we go, including when we get into the vehicle. If you take these negative feelings with you while driving, this can often lead…