Category: driving near cyclists

What is lane splitting, besides dangerous?

Take a look around; our communities are growing quickly and we can’t seem to stop it. With more people driving, our roads are becoming increasingly busy as well. Stop and go traffic is a common occurrence that many people are trying to bypass. Leaving early is a good way to reach your destination on time,…

Are you a believer?

I believe that we all have beliefs. Do you believe me? When we were kids we believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and perhaps even the tooth fairy. As time went on we stopped believing in those things and we started to believe in other things. We will believe in our own religion, our…

Canada’s Worst Driver 8…the updates

So here it is; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th year that people try to prove to others they aren’t bad drivers or try to get the much needed help they or other people wish they could get. I like to think that by watching what these drivers do, others who…

Dew…and do not

I’ve often said how important visibility is to drivers. Without good visibility, you may miss important information while driving. Has that ever happened to you? As I’ll say to my students I’m teaching at Young Drivers of Canada, you drive with your eyes and your hands and feet are tools for your eyes. Part of…

Do one way streets confuse you too?

Things we’ve grown up with; playing with our friends in the park, riding a bike, going to school and… looking both ways before crossing the street. Remember how your parents always taught you to do that as pedestrians and now as parents we teach our own kids to do the same thing? Should we continue…

Share and share alike…even with cyclists

Share and share alike; we’ve heard that many, many times over the years. We’ve been asked to share our toys when we were a kid. We’ve shared our tools, food and good times with family and friends as well. How about sharing the road? Are you too aggressive to share the road or do you…

Another reason to use your side mirror

When I’m teaching my students to drive at Young Drivers of Canada, I often try to use the simple approach. The less information and steps, the easier it is to remember them. I also use some of those steps to help my kids become safe and to help plant a seed in their mind before…

How well do you drive near bicycle lanes?

I’ve read a lot recently how a variety of communities are putting in new bicycle lanes for cyclists. This is a good idea as it can help protect the cyclists from the high risks associated with traffic each time they ride on busy roads. I think the added pressure the cyclists have is when drivers…