Category: driving skills

Speeders controlled by aircraft?

Even though my oldest son is only 14 years old right now, he’s very eager to learn how to drive. He’s already learned the meaning of most road signs and does ask questions quite often about why certain drivers did certain actions. Every now and then I get asked questions from other members of my…

Parallel or paranoid…you decide

What are some of the toughest things and most frightening things that drivers do? You may be thinking of merging onto the freeway, but that’s not it. You may be thinking of driving in heavy traffic, but that’s not it. I’m referring to the dreaded parallel park, or, as some people refer to it; the…

And so it begins…

Stop for a second and take a deep breath. What do you smell during this spring day? Flowers blooming? Freshly cut grass? Maybe the true smell of spring and summer; freshly laid asphalt. Yes, it’s true. We have two seasons; winter and road construction. We can survive this season of road construction, but you have…

It’s never too late to change

I know we’re in a hurry to do things these days. It’s part of our society to be busy. Part of the problem we have is that we run out of time to get everything done that we need to get done. Do you ever find yourself rushing around to get things done that you…

You should pay if you crash

For the past few years, I’ve tried to teach my kids more responsibility. The older they get, the easier it has been. For example, since my son has to pay for his own treats out of his babysitting money, he’s selective as to what he spends his money on. He doesn’t waste it as much…

How NOT to exit a parking lot

There have been times that we’re not always thinking straight. We make mistakes and that’s normal. If we try to take our time and make solid decisions, it can help us survive in this world. The same can be said about driving. Being distracted is a huge part of our society these days. Paying attention…

Is there pressure to do the proper thing?

We have so much pressure on ourselves to do the proper thing these days. That pressure seems to start when we were kids as our parents checked up on us from time to time. Sometimes we end up making the wrong choices in life and if we’re lucky, we survive it. I’m sure you’ve done…

Winter driving…..myths or truths?

For many years I’ve heard of drivers giving poor advice to other drivers about how to drive in snow and on ice. I’m not sure where they got their information from, but does it make any sense to take advice because the “guys at work” told you? I grew up with that as a kid….