Category: driving skills

Steady pressure wins the money

We all know there are times when we push the envelope and try to get ahead. For many of us, we only think about the immediate and not about the future. But what about long term? Do we think about our long term goals or objectives enough, especially while driving? Probably not, but it’s never…

Drivers need to use logic and common sense…

Logic, common sense, practicality, judgement, reasoning… these words to me describes what a driver needs to make good choices behind the wheel. For the most part, drivers tend to have most of these…most of the time. How often do you use good logic while driving compared to lack of common sense? Think about it, the…

Rain, rain go away…

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Remember that little song as a kid? I sometimes have that song in my head even as an adult. Mainly because there are things I need to do and the rain slows down my day. The main thing the rain does to many drivers is slow down…

Bump or hump; they do the same job

I’ll often remind my kids to do their chores, their homework and to get ready for school or activities. I’ll often write myself notes to do things so I won’t forget. We often need reminders to do things. Even licensed drivers need constant reminders too, which is why I write these driving articles. Speed limit…

What a knob!

Many people over the years have tried a variety of things to make their driving easier. The automakers brought in power steering and power brakes decades ago so drivers could brake and steer with much more ease. More electronic devices have been made readily available over the past decade to help drivers maneuver their vehicle…

Teaching my son part two…turning it off

I recently wrote about teaching my son how to drive. It’s been a few weeks now so I thought I would give an update. First and foremost we haven’t tried to kill each other…yet. I still remind him of the first rule; if he doesn’t do what I say I’ll tell mom. So far that…

Peer pressure…how well do you handle it?

I’ve been around kids regularly ever since I’ve been a kid. Some people would even say I’m still a kid. I’m hoping that’s a good thing. I also have a habit of watching people. I like to see how people in general cooperate and interact with others around them. To some people, they seem to…

Take advantage of what you’ve got

I love a bargain. If I don’t have to pay full price for something, I’m there. With four kids you learn to take advantage of things when you can to allow you to get ahead. I also try to get to where I’m going on time, if not early. I try to take advantage of…