Category: driving with kids

A safe driving voice…

This came from an online radio interview I did awhile ago, which was based from Chicago.

Sometimes you just need to ask; why?

I often see people drive in such a manner I just have one question to ask; why? Have you ever thought why drivers drive like they do? Instead of us wondering why they drive that way, I think it may be better if they ask themselves that very question. There have been a lot of…

My Christmas wish list

After listening to my kids talk about their wish lists for Christmas, I thought I’d put together my wish list for Santa too. I don’t think my list is obtainable though, but maybe over time it could be! Dear Santa; I’ve been a good boy this year. I’ve been polite and I’ve used my manners…

Please and thank you

Please and thank you. I was bought up using manners and I’m teaching my kids to use their manners everywhere they are. I believe that it will help them as they grow into the workforce. It also helps us feel good when we say and hear someone say thank you. What about when we’re driving?…

How often should you check your mirror?

From the September/October edition of The Driver magazine: When I first started to write my regular driving column, I had to come up with a catchy title for it. After some thought, I came up with “Through My Rear View Mirror” since a lot of traffic is seen through the mirror. Up to this…

Can you really multi-task?

How many things can you do at one time? We often hear about people who can do more than one thing at a time; multi-tasking. I’m always so busy that I sometimes wish I had more arms so I could do more tasks. Instead of that, I delegate some of the tasks that need to…

Is it a journey or a race?

I know that we’ve been told many times that life is a journey; but is driving also a journey or is it a race? I witness many drivers who seem to be in a race. They weave in and out of traffic as if they are a current driver in the NASCAR series. What do…

Are we there yet?

I was recently chatting with a co-worker who had gone away for the long weekend with his kids. They had a long drive ahead of them as they were visiting family hours away. On their way home, he heard the famous words from one of his kids; “Are we there yet?” How many times have…