Category: freeway driving

Stop acting like a 3 year old and share…

From the 20110818 edition of the Hamilton Mountain News written by Scott Marshall Share and share alike; that’s what we’ve been told as a child growing up. We were taught to share our toys, share our candy and share our friends. For some reason though, we stop sharing when we start driving. Sharing the…

Look in the mirror before judging others

I had recently taken my vehicle into the dealership for service and required a drive to my office after they had taken my vehicle and keys. As usual, there were other people in the shuttle to be whisked away to their destinations. I tend to keep quiet while on my journey to work. Other passengers…

Come on; get lost!

We all take trips throughout our lives that force up to figure out how to get there. It can be pretty simple to get from point A to point B if it was the same route every day. However, every now and then we have to travel to places we’ve never been to before. How…

Speeders controlled by aircraft?

Even though my oldest son is only 14 years old right now, he’s very eager to learn how to drive. He’s already learned the meaning of most road signs and does ask questions quite often about why certain drivers did certain actions. Every now and then I get asked questions from other members of my…

Could you avoid this crash?

Sometimes it’s difficult to decide if skill or luck is on our side when we do things. Playing sports is a good example. My son has scored goals during hockey games because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. One goal even bounced off his facemask into the net. Those…

When is bad weather, bad enough?

We all have to make decisions in life that make us think hard about our choices. When we’re driving, that happens every day. But how far will you go before you decide it isn’t worth it? Recently, there was a terrible snow storm across our region. The conditions were so bad that transport trucks and…

Doing the right thing can save a life

I was recently talking to new instructors when they asked how I get ideas for these articles. Most of the time I get ideas from people I speak with and from the media reports of crashes. Other times I see something happen and I take a photo of it. Keeping my camera handy always helps….

Space, what space?

We all realize how important it is to keep space around our vehicles whenever we drive. Well, most of us realize this. Actually, probably only a handful of drivers know about this space issue. Are you one of the privileged few? I will often see drivers tailgate each other and that makes their driving more…