Category: freeway driving

Come on…move over!

There are times when rules change and the general public is unaware of these changes. I will often search out government websites to keep myself up to date, but that can sometimes be hard to do when I’m too busy and away from my computer. Then there are times when rules change and we learn…

Music….or traffic reports?

Each time the nice weather is here, it’s time to enjoy it while driving. I’ll usually have my window down to enjoy the fresh or somewhat fresh air many times and of course enjoy the sunshine. Like many people, the music tends to come on more often and at a louder volume during nice weather. Do…

Freeway merging takes skill

I was recently discussing with my class of new drivers at Young Drivers of Canada about driving on the freeway. We all came to the same conclusion that someone with proper training has a better chance to drive safely on a freeway compared to someone who doesn’t take professional training at all. They were concerned…

High performance car or low performance driver?

Ever since I was a kid, I was always dreaming of having a performance vehicle. I thought it would be nice to own and drive a BMW, Mercedes or perhaps a Porsche. It would be a flashy car and would perform amazingly while I was driving throughout my city. How many of you thought of…

Did you take your silly pills?

I often wonder if your can have the same experiences of a full moon during daylight hours. Or, maybe drivers take “silly pills” before they get into the car. We recently received a substantial amount of snow. We’ve been lucky this winter; rarely any snow at all. Driving along in the snow last night and…

Sometimes you just need to ask; why?

I often see people drive in such a manner I just have one question to ask; why? Have you ever thought why drivers drive like they do? Instead of us wondering why they drive that way, I think it may be better if they ask themselves that very question. There have been a lot of…

How do you set up your mirrors?

I’ve recently written an article for The Driver magazine outlining when the mirrors should be checked but here’s another debate to bring up; mirror set up. How should the mirrors be set up to give the driver the best advantage? The purpose of the mirrors is to allow the driver to be kept up…

A truckload of information

We’ve seen this happen almost every day of our lives, but will it ever end? I’m referring to the drivers of large trucks being cut off by drivers. I often wonder why someone would put their lives at stake like that. Maybe they never really thought of the consequences to their actions. I’ve often seen…