Category: Keeping a licence

Why learn to drive? Why drive period?

Where would we be as a society if we didn’t drive our vehicles so often? I do try to avoid driving everywhere, but sometimes it’s so much more convenient to drive as opposed to bike, walk or take public transportation. Planning my route when I have to run errands also means I have more than…

How’s your autopilot?

I’ve often talked about driving habits with many people over the years. We all have habits; whether they’re good or bad. Every driver’s goal should be to concentrate completely on their driving whenever they’re behind the steering wheel. This creates positive driving habits. What they may be doing after they reach their destination should be…

You should pay if you crash

For the past few years, I’ve tried to teach my kids more responsibility. The older they get, the easier it has been. For example, since my son has to pay for his own treats out of his babysitting money, he’s selective as to what he spends his money on. He doesn’t waste it as much…

Driver’s license photos tell a story

I’ve always had a difficult time posing for pictures. I could never really smile properly enough to make it a nice picture. My school pictures from when I was a kid proved it. The worst ones were the pictures taken when we were on vacation. No action shots there. We had to stand, make it…

Is there pressure to do the proper thing?

We have so much pressure on ourselves to do the proper thing these days. That pressure seems to start when we were kids as our parents checked up on us from time to time. Sometimes we end up making the wrong choices in life and if we’re lucky, we survive it. I’m sure you’ve done…

Why are cell phones still being used?

When I’m teaching students how to drive for Young Drivers of Canada, I give them the information one day and test their understanding the next time I see them. It helps me determine if they understood what was taught previously. Life is like that. Our parents and school teachers taught us things and over time,…

Is Big Brother watching?

There are so many media outlets in our society these days that it’s hard not to find out what’s going on in the world today. The internet is so strong, that the local and national TV news can be seen without watching a TV at all. You can also read the local and national newspaper…

Drinking and driving never works

Ever since I was a kid in school, I’ve heard about how drinking and driving was wrong, illegal and extremely dangerous. We teach how to avoid impaired driving at Young Drivers of Canada, but as I’ve found out over the last couple of decades, the students that I’ve taught really know a lot of the…