Category: lane of least resistance


Growing up in our society has made me aware that we’ve got a lot of choices. We can decide where to live, where to work, what to eat and what to wear. Sometimes, there seems to be too many choices in our lives that it’s difficult to make a solid choice. Have you experienced too…

Did you take your silly pills?

I often wonder if your can have the same experiences of a full moon during daylight hours. Or, maybe drivers take “silly pills” before they get into the car. We recently received a substantial amount of snow. We’ve been lucky this winter; rarely any snow at all. Driving along in the snow last night and…

A safe driving voice…

This came from an online radio interview I did awhile ago, which was based from Chicago.

A truckload of information

We’ve seen this happen almost every day of our lives, but will it ever end? I’m referring to the drivers of large trucks being cut off by drivers. I often wonder why someone would put their lives at stake like that. Maybe they never really thought of the consequences to their actions. I’ve often seen…

Can we share the road?

As I drive around our fair country, I often have to struggle for space for my vehicle. Is this fair to drivers or do we bring this upon ourselves? Ontario alone gets over 150,000 new drivers every year, but are the roads big enough to handle them, or do we need to learn how to…

Lane, lane go away…

When I drive, I try to give myself the best opportunity to see and respond to problems. Part of this process is deciding which lane I’m driving in. Which lane do you drive in? The law says to keep to the right, except when over-taking another vehicle or if you’re intending to make a left…

Can you help save a life?

As seen in The Driver magazine in the May/June 2009 issue. How You Can Help Save a Life By Scott Marshall         As a driving instructor for Young Drivers of Canada over the past 21 years, I’ve been in the car with many people, as can be well expected. Many people feel that my…