Category: mirror use

Are you a believer?

I believe that we all have beliefs. Do you believe me? When we were kids we believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and perhaps even the tooth fairy. As time went on we stopped believing in those things and we started to believe in other things. We will believe in our own religion, our…

Canada’s Worst Driver 8…the updates

So here it is; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th year that people try to prove to others they aren’t bad drivers or try to get the much needed help they or other people wish they could get. I like to think that by watching what these drivers do, others who…

Canada’s Worst Driver…8

Well, it’s happening again; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th season. When I first appeared as a judge during their first 3 seasons, I never thought it would last this long. Are there really that many people across our country who want to embarrass themselves on national television? Apparently there are….

Driving on public roads is a team sport

I love team sports; baseball, hockey, basketball, hockey just to name a few. My wife and I had put our kids into team sports to teach them fair play and to learn to work together with others. It’s worked out well for the most part. There’s another team sport that has billions of people around…

Plan the escape or use the escape?

Many things often come in bunches. We’ve often heard that good things come in three’s; but what about bad things? Do they come in three’s too? After the week I’ve just had, I would certainly think so! The risky week started when I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Monitoring my mirror while…

Did you forget you have a bad memory?

We all tend to forget things from time to time. We may not like it, but we tend to accept it. Its part of life, wouldn’t you say? There are things that tend to annoy us if we forget them though. Things like picking your kids up after their game or activity, running specific errands…

Another reason to use your side mirror

When I’m teaching my students to drive at Young Drivers of Canada, I often try to use the simple approach. The less information and steps, the easier it is to remember them. I also use some of those steps to help my kids become safe and to help plant a seed in their mind before…

Saving the junk in your trunk

Decisions, distractions, focus; these are all things we face each time we drive. Keeping your mind on driving is important every time you drive; we know that. We tend to do it to ourselves though. We distract ourselves often enough that we can cause damage to our vehicle or ourselves. How many times have you…