Category: pedestrian safety

I spy with my little eye…

I spy with my little eye something that is…moving. Huh? Remember playing “eye spy” when you were a kid? I taught my kids that game when they were little and it was a good time-filler while waiting in the dentist’s office or the doctor’s office. I now teach that as a driving instructor for Young…

Define “professional driver”

I think we’ve all done things that were a little risky throughout our lives. Sometimes we do them without much thought. Hindsight is great though because after doing what was essentially wrong and/or dangerous, we realized it was something we shouldn’t have done to begin with. What would possess us to do things like this,…

It’s never too early…

The passion I have for road safety goes beyond driving a motor vehicle; it also includes walking, running, cycling, skateboarding and anything you can think of. Distracted driving is huge within our society so being aware of the dangers that can be sent our way is important. Even if you’re careful, something may go wrong…

Bump or hump; they do the same job

I’ll often remind my kids to do their chores, their homework and to get ready for school or activities. I’ll often write myself notes to do things so I won’t forget. We often need reminders to do things. Even licensed drivers need constant reminders too, which is why I write these driving articles. Speed limit…

No scream for ice cream

It’s that time of year; kids outside playing, having fun with their friends. With the nice weather comes more outside activities. As a father of four kids, I’m often tied up with getting involved with their activities such as coaching baseball, soccer and camping. Another common activity a lot of kids have is searching out…

I just can’t see it

I think we’ve all heard the saying “you can’t see the forest because of the trees”, but sometimes it should be “you can’t see the road because of the hedges”. Having good visibility is the key to entering intersections safely, but sometimes it can be tough to see clearly enough to proceed into intersection. What…

Putting the cart before the horse – power

Busy. That word describes many people within our society these days. We often have so many things to do that we’re often running late. Sometimes, we may not be as late as we think we are or the things we do may not take as long as we think they do. If that’s the case,…

Puddles, pedestrians and drivers…oh my!

Sometimes we’re torn between doing the proper thing and letting things go. Sometimes our good intentions get in the way of safety. We either do the right thing, but it isn’t the safest thing, and sometimes it’s the opposite. Do you ever have these same feelings as well? Our winter brought us piles of snow,…