Category: pedestrian safety

Are you a problem solver?

How good are you at spotting problems while driving? The most common thing that drivers say after they’ve either had a crash or a close call with another driver is “Where did they come from?” and that’s not a good thing. Why didn’t the driver notice the driver, pedestrian or the cyclist ahead of time?…

Ban the wireless

The time has come for responsible driving. Starting on October 26, 2009, all Ontario drivers must refrain from using any hand held devices while driving. This includes talking and texting on cell phones, sending e-mails from wireless devices, using MP3’s and hand held games; all while driving. The Ontario government has decided that most drivers…

Roundabouts are in our future

This was from the October 9, 2009 edition of The Stoney Creek News;

One of those days…

Have you ever had one of those days that make you shake your head? I had one of those days recently and could hardly believe what I had seen in a span of fifteen minutes. I’ve heard that a full moon can influence the thought process of many people, but this was in the morning…

Take a walk on the wild side!

Pedestrians. We started off that way and we may finish up that way, but what we do in between, it’s our call. As drivers we need to look out for pedestrians. It’s true they have their own set of rules to live by and their own set of crosswalk signals, but a lot of the…

Are we getting better?

I was recently looking over the Transport Canada statistics to see how we’ve done with road safety. Some things have improved, but other things have gotten worse. I still shake my head about these statistics and wonder how we can get better and reduce serious injury and fatalities. The latest statistics come from 2006. If…

Stop or slow, what’s the difference?

I was speaking recently to a licensed driver who had a few driving problems. I had taken him out for a driving evaluation and noticed he rolled his stops. He wasn’t aware he was doing that until I explained what he was doing. Do you roll stops as well? Maybe you do, but aren’t sure….