Category: practising driving skills

Canada’s Worst Driver…Ever!?

Well, they’re back. Another season of Canada’s Worst Driver has returned. This is season nine, but with a little bit of a twist compared to the previous eight seasons. If you’ve watched the series each of the first eight seasons, I’m sure you’ll recognize some of the participants. The producers have brought back previous participants…

The best way to use high beam headlights…

I enjoy teaching and spending time with people. It’s been fun teaching my own son how to drive and recently he had a chance to drive on a dark rural road at night. I know many people would refuse that type of drive, but he actually asked to drive as we were heading off to…

It’s time to make a change

We can change our mind, change our looks and even change jobs, but what seems to be a problem with many people is learning how to change lanes. What seems to be a simple driving action seems to be giving many drivers grief of many years. How confident are you with changing lanes? One of…

In case of emergency…

Raising 4 kids is a lot of fun, but also means a lot of work for both me and my wife. We try to do the proper things and to teach them about life at the same time. Ensuring our kids are always safe is a big priority for us, as it is for many…

It`s your turn

Do you remember the old saying “You don’t know what you don’t know”? I used to dislike that saying but as I continued in road safety, I realized that rule summed up the driving knowledge and ability of many drivers. People tend to do what they know, regardless of whether it was sound or not….

When does knowledge turn into skill?

I was recently speaking with a friend and former colleague about some advanced driver training he received. He was explaining some of the techniques and challenges each participant was taught. He had said that although each participant decided to be there on their own for their own benefit, some were a little timid about trying…

Is it an accident or a collision?

We’ve grown up hearing how at times words can be hurtful. I’m sure we’ve all said things that we may regret later in life. We’ve also said things that essentially mean very little. I think it’s all about how you take what’s been said. To some people, words mean very little. They’re just words. To…

Drivers need to use logic and common sense…

Logic, common sense, practicality, judgement, reasoning… these words to me describes what a driver needs to make good choices behind the wheel. For the most part, drivers tend to have most of these…most of the time. How often do you use good logic while driving compared to lack of common sense? Think about it, the…