Category: practising driving skills

Help is on the way

Over the many years that I’ve been a driving instructor for Young Drivers of Canada I’ve come across many nervous students. It’s not only my job to teach them how to drive safely, but it’s also my job to relax them and keep them calm behind the wheel. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. These new…

Driving can be related to…

I’ve coached kids in a number of sports over the years. A few years ago I was coaching my son’s hockey team. During one of the practices I noticed a few of the players weren’t following through with their shots. When I asked them to follow through, they looked a little confused. I asked if…

Did you see a sign?

In just about every jurisdiction around, you need to know what basic road signs mean in order to get your beginner’s permit. In Ontario, you’re allowed 4 signs wrong out of 20 and can still pass that portion of the written test. That’s not bad, but shouldn’t we know what all of the signs mean?…

How’s your autopilot?

I’ve often talked about driving habits with many people over the years. We all have habits; whether they’re good or bad. Every driver’s goal should be to concentrate completely on their driving whenever they’re behind the steering wheel. This creates positive driving habits. What they may be doing after they reach their destination should be…

Who taught you how to drive?

As a driving instructor with Young  Drivers of Canada, I often get new students who have been driving for a number of weeks prior to starting their driving lessons with me. I guess they wanted a head start, right? When I ask who they normally drive with at home, the answer often varies. Sometimes other…

It hangs above us

I think we all know that good observation is a big part of driving safely. Our observation, or lack of, can also affect other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Have you recently made a driving error because you failed to notice something and it affected someone else? I see this happen every week and it doesn’t…

Parallel or paranoid…you decide

What are some of the toughest things and most frightening things that drivers do? You may be thinking of merging onto the freeway, but that’s not it. You may be thinking of driving in heavy traffic, but that’s not it. I’m referring to the dreaded parallel park, or, as some people refer to it; the…

Saying sorry isn’t always good enough

Raising our kids is a full time job. We try to teach them right from wrong. With some luck, they’ll grow up to become a good person. Knowing right from wrong is part of growing up. Knowing when to apologize is also as important, but is it enough? As a driver, does saying “sorry” to…