Category: Proactive driving

Being a selfish driver hurts you too

We often find ourselves in traffic jams from time to time. We all know that in rush hour no one is really rushing anywhere. There are often too many vehicles for the road to handle. Think of it as the same as a crowded hallway. Too many people walking in the same direction will often…

It hangs above us

I think we all know that good observation is a big part of driving safely. Our observation, or lack of, can also affect other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Have you recently made a driving error because you failed to notice something and it affected someone else? I see this happen every week and it doesn’t…

We have spies among us

We’ve all been in situations where someone overhears our conversation with someone else. We often lower our voice so others won’t be able to hear us. We think we’re able to keep a secret from others. Well, that may work when you’re speaking, but it won’t necessarily work when you’re driving. That’s because we have…

Smile, you’re on candid camera!

I remember as a kid trying to keep up to my dad. He walked a lot faster than I did, but to me, it always seemed like he was in a hurry. As I got older I realized he wasn’t in a hurry; he just had longer legs than I had. When we drove around…

It’s never too late to change

I know we’re in a hurry to do things these days. It’s part of our society to be busy. Part of the problem we have is that we run out of time to get everything done that we need to get done. Do you ever find yourself rushing around to get things done that you…

Saying sorry isn’t always good enough

Raising our kids is a full time job. We try to teach them right from wrong. With some luck, they’ll grow up to become a good person. Knowing right from wrong is part of growing up. Knowing when to apologize is also as important, but is it enough? As a driver, does saying “sorry” to…

You should pay if you crash

For the past few years, I’ve tried to teach my kids more responsibility. The older they get, the easier it has been. For example, since my son has to pay for his own treats out of his babysitting money, he’s selective as to what he spends his money on. He doesn’t waste it as much…

Take The National Driving Test!

One of the most common questions asked to millions of people over the last 100 plus years; “Are you a good driver?” That’s always been a difficult question to answer. There are so many factors involved in making that decision. Once you throw in distractions, it can seriously affect your driving ability. Well, now you…