Category: Proactive driving

Canada’s Worst Driver…8

Well, it’s happening again; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th season. When I first appeared as a judge during their first 3 seasons, I never thought it would last this long. Are there really that many people across our country who want to embarrass themselves on national television? Apparently there are….

The “It won’t happen to me” club has a new member

We’ve all heard about distracted driving. If you haven’t, perhaps you were distracted. A lot of drivers become members of the “It won’t happen to me club” once they begin to drive. They usually drive as they want expecting crashes will only happen to other people and not themselves. Do you belong to that club?…

Is that cool or not cool?

My kids make fun of me as I still say ‘cool’ a lot of the time. They must think I’m too old to use it regularly except when describing the weather. The reality is I’m not that old…probably. I believe that the word cool can describe many things and that most of society understands the…

When is slowing down not slow enough?

Have you ever had the feeling of doing something wrong but didn’t quite know what it was you were doing wrong? Many drivers across our great land have the same feeling while leaving a freeway or other fast moving roadway. They apply the brakes and begin to slow down only they aren’t going slow enough….

Do we really need a sign?

You can’t see the forest because of the trees. Come on, open your eyes. You never find what you’re not looking for. We often hear about how important our eyesight is for a variety of things, but do we use it well enough considering that not everyone has the gift of sight? One of the…

Come on drivers, impress me!

Every now and then we see things that impress us throughout our lives. We see people helping total strangers in their time of need, which is very impressive within our society. Many people feel they either don’t want to get involved or just don’t know what to do to help. I was impressed a few…

Driving on public roads is a team sport

I love team sports; baseball, hockey, basketball, hockey just to name a few. My wife and I had put our kids into team sports to teach them fair play and to learn to work together with others. It’s worked out well for the most part. There’s another team sport that has billions of people around…

Are ‘morning people’ better drivers?

Over the years I’ve learned to become a morning person. It didn’t start out that way, but since I wanted to do more things in the evening, I realized I should start teaching in-car lessons earlier in the day. I like the mornings now as the air is fresh, the sounds of spring and summer…