Category: pumping gas

Getting more value from your vehicle starts with you

Getting good value from the things you have is important to just about everyone. There are so many things people do to try to save money, including buying things they need when they are on sale, using coupons and perhaps using discount stores. Everyone needs to have a spare car key, but aren’t always sure…

How to clean your headlight lens and other little things

There’s a lot we all know, but there are many little things we’re not aware of. Wow, that’s deep. I’ve met many intelligent people in my life. I’ve even taught many of them how to drive. But every now and then we find there are a few little things that can be helpful that many…

Owning a vehicle is more than just putting gas in it

I was recently talking to my kids about my first car. I loved it, mainly because it was mine, but it did have its flaws. I overlooked what was wrong with the vehicle as I proudly drove it each day, but as time went on, I realized the responsibility of owning a vehicle wasn’t just…

I get a charge out of this

Sometimes you can’t see the forest because of the trees. It’s all around us, you just have to look. We’ve heard these sayings throughout our life, but what do they mean? Our lives are constantly changing and it can be a good thing if we can accept the changes around us and move on with…

Looking back gives me better hindsight

I try to be a good person each day. I want to be a good husband, a good father, a good employee and of course, a good driver. Sometimes it’s difficult to do all those things. Emotions are a big part of our decision making abilities. They clog our abilities from making proper, safe decisions…

What’s on your driving to-do list?

I often make to-do lists at home and at the office. It helps me stay in control of my day. I really hate forgetting things that I need to do because it puts me behind the next day. It’s also frustrating when it was an important thing to do and I totally forgot to do…

Are you pumped?

There are many things we need to do as a driver; from proper observational skills, to co-ordination, response time, and early thought processing, but what about the ability to pump gas? Does it take skill, luck or any knowledge whatsoever? How many times have you seen drivers do it incorrectly that it makes you chuckle…