Category: racing on public roads

Do you have respect for yourself?

One of the main jobs we have as parents is to teach our kids to respect other people and their property. My parents did the same thing with my sister, brother and I and that allowed me to understand what it takes as a parent. We were constantly told to stay off the neighbour’s front…

What does breaking rules get you?

One of my sons plays house league hockey and he seems to really enjoy it. He’s not going to be playing in the NHL any time soon, but he’s having fun. Part of his enjoyment is his ability to follow the rules of the game, which gives him opportunities to score goals, help his team…

Speeders controlled by aircraft?

Even though my oldest son is only 14 years old right now, he’s very eager to learn how to drive. He’s already learned the meaning of most road signs and does ask questions quite often about why certain drivers did certain actions. Every now and then I get asked questions from other members of my…

When is speeding acceptable?

There seems to be the debate again about the speed you must travel while driving along city streets and freeways. I was asked recently when it’s ok to speed. That can be a tough question to answer. For the most part, you really need to keep to the posted speed limit. Posted speeds are there…

Is there pressure to do the proper thing?

We have so much pressure on ourselves to do the proper thing these days. That pressure seems to start when we were kids as our parents checked up on us from time to time. Sometimes we end up making the wrong choices in life and if we’re lucky, we survive it. I’m sure you’ve done…

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Do you remember playing “hide and seek” as a child? My kids still play it and seem to enjoy playing that game. I haven’t played it as an adult and don’t really feel the urge to play it any time soon. However, I have seen adults play “hide and seek” lately and it may seem…

High performance car or low performance driver?

Ever since I was a kid, I was always dreaming of having a performance vehicle. I thought it would be nice to own and drive a BMW, Mercedes or perhaps a Porsche. It would be a flashy car and would perform amazingly while I was driving throughout my city. How many of you thought of…

Mind your manners

From the April 2010 issue of The Driver magazine; I was recently out with my kids when we went to the mall to look around. We decided to stop at the food court for some food and when I went to see how my oldest son was making out with his decision of what…