Category: rear crash avoidance

If you’re not learning from someone else’s mistakes, why not?

Often enough, we watch what happens to someone else and avoid doing the same thing, especially if it was pretty bad. It’s sort of like learning from someone else’s mistakes. The only problem is, that rarely happens in the mind of many drivers. Drivers will often make the same mistakes as everyone else who may…

It’s not the road that causes the crash

Raising four kids has taught me a lot. One of those things it taught me is to get my facts straight before I lay blame. It also taught me to do that with other things in life as opposed to jumping to conclusions. Driving is one of those things. Many times I’ve heard how people…

Setting up the side mirrors – part one

Sometimes change is good. Doing the same thing all the time can become quite boring at times, so switching things up to add spice in our lives can be a good thing. However, change just for the sake of change isn’t always a good thing. We have to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages with…

It’s driving quiz time!

In today’s world, many people like to challenge themselves. Sometimes it’s through sports, or competitions, or even through education. So far I’ve done a couple of driving quizzes; one for commuters and a winter quiz. I thought it’s time for a quiz to see what kind of a driver you. How’s your general driving knowledge?…

There’s more to waiting in traffic than…actually waiting

Wait. Wait. Wait. We seem to be waiting a lot these days. Whether it’s in line at the cashier in a store, at a gas station or to get into the movies, waiting is part of our lives. Waiting in traffic is also part of our lives; an everyday occurrence. As mundane as it seems,…

As a driver, do you…

Being involved in road safety for almost 27 years has taught me to be specific. Training any driver of any experience level it always came down to explaining what I wanted them to do, not what I didn’t want them to do. Such as the old saying; “we don’t say don’t” when giving instructions. With…

The key points to stopping on icy roads

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. In today’s society it always seems like we’re trying to get somewhere. It’s a go – go – go mentality for many people. Even though we may seem to be busy or in a hurry, there are times we need to slow down and stop….

Why would I check my mirror? I’ve already been there.

Let’s face it; we tend to look at ourselves in the mirror. It’s not really about being vain. It’s more like wanting to know that you look presentable without having any food still stuck in your teeth. Some people check the mirror to see if their hair is still looking good. I don’t have that…