Category: rear crash avoidance

Are you a believer?

I believe that we all have beliefs. Do you believe me? When we were kids we believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and perhaps even the tooth fairy. As time went on we stopped believing in those things and we started to believe in other things. We will believe in our own religion, our…

Can you learn by your mistakes?

There’s an old saying that I know we’ve all heard before. Actually, I’m pretty sure there’s more than one old saying, but this one is a good one. I’m referring to “I learn by my mistakes”. I’ve learned many things by my mistakes. More importantly, I’ve learned what not to do many times over. That’s…

Plan the escape or use the escape?

Many things often come in bunches. We’ve often heard that good things come in three’s; but what about bad things? Do they come in three’s too? After the week I’ve just had, I would certainly think so! The risky week started when I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Monitoring my mirror while…

Left foot or right foot?

Growing up I saw my parents do many things that I find I do now myself. I think that’s a pretty common thing in most of our lives. They of course were a big influence in our adult lives. That also includes how they drove when you were a kid. I remember watching my dad…

What goes around comes around

Growing up I believed that doing a good deed would bring a good deed back to me. You know, what goes around comes around. In all fairness, the evil deeds also work that way too. Karma, or fate if you prefer, is something I do believe in. I also believe that you have to work…

I’d like an advance please

I’ve written a few articles about route planning over the years. It never seems to get old. Sometimes, it pays to be a little creative to getting to your destination on time. Are you a creative driver when it comes to saving time while driving? Every day that I head out to my office, I…

The lights are on, but nobody’s home

I’m a pretty busy person these days. From the hours I spend at Young Drivers of Canada, to taking my kids to their activities, to spending time relaxing with my family; it fills my day, week, month and year. When I get a moment to myself, I try to take it and relax. Are you…

Take The National Driving Test!

One of the most common questions asked to millions of people over the last 100 plus years; “Are you a good driver?” That’s always been a difficult question to answer. There are so many factors involved in making that decision. Once you throw in distractions, it can seriously affect your driving ability. Well, now you…