Category: right of way

Canada’s Worst Driver 8…the updates

So here it is; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th year that people try to prove to others they aren’t bad drivers or try to get the much needed help they or other people wish they could get. I like to think that by watching what these drivers do, others who…

Canada’s Worst Driver…8

Well, it’s happening again; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th season. When I first appeared as a judge during their first 3 seasons, I never thought it would last this long. Are there really that many people across our country who want to embarrass themselves on national television? Apparently there are….

Construction workers aren’t the law

We all know there are 2 seasons; winter and construction. We’ve all experienced slower traffic flow during construction zones and we’ve needed to make adjustments in our route plans and how we drove through this area. Are there things that we may take for granted while driving through a construction zone that may cause us…


For regular readers you’ll know my passion for safer roads. I try to allow drivers to think about possible situations before they happen so they can be mentally ready to respond. I talk about cyclist, pedestrians and not just drivers and their passengers. I think this time I need to go back to pedestrians. We’ve…

Share and share alike…even with cyclists

Share and share alike; we’ve heard that many, many times over the years. We’ve been asked to share our toys when we were a kid. We’ve shared our tools, food and good times with family and friends as well. How about sharing the road? Are you too aggressive to share the road or do you…

Driving on public roads is a team sport

I love team sports; baseball, hockey, basketball, hockey just to name a few. My wife and I had put our kids into team sports to teach them fair play and to learn to work together with others. It’s worked out well for the most part. There’s another team sport that has billions of people around…

Racing a train can throw you off track

Heading up to the cottage each year means we tend to drive on a variety of different roadways; some city roads, freeways and highways. With the secondary highways often come railway crossings. In Canada, roughly 30 people every year die from being hit by a train and roughly 600 more in the US. That’s 630…

In a flash!

  Every now and then you find yourself in a rare situation not knowing exactly what to do. This seems to be the case whenever I see traffic lights out of service. That was the case recently. Drivers seemed to be confused as they ended up sitting at the intersection wondering when it was their…