Category: risk taking

This risky driving got them nowhere

Experts say that patience is a virtue. I think we’ve all heard that. Ask many people what virtue means, and they may not answer you. To keep it short, it means to maintain high moral standards. While driving, are you patient enough to maintain high moral standards? Is it one of your positive driving traits?…

When slowing is worth it

For regular readers of my work you’ll know of my passion for promoting safe driving. After all, the title of this site is ‘The Safe Driver’. Even though I tend to put emphasis towards safely driving a vehicle, I do sometimes put emphasis on cyclists and pedestrian safety. This is one of those times to…

Parking brakes are more than just for parking

I’m sure there have been times in our lives where we don’t use the muscles we may have used previously. I remember playing baseball, then not throwing the ball around very much for a few years and then trying to get back out there and play again. My arm was sore and my legs were…

Distracted driving is more than using your phone

For more than a decade we’ve really stepped it up with social media. We can find out what’s happening within our world every second of the day. That is, if you want to. To many people, they can’t let a moment go by without knowing what’s happening. Our phones play a big part of this…

When a crash hits close to home…

One of the things I enjoy about heading up to the cottage for a vacation each year is the actual drive itself. Spending five hours behind the wheel with family creates good conversation and a relaxing time for me. Time at the cottage is very relaxing as well and we can’t wait to get there,…

Are you a risk taker?

Are you a risk taker? I know that’s a bold question, but one I think we need to ask ourselves from time to time. Smart risk takers in business grow their business and do well for themselves. Is there such a thing as a smart risk taker when it comes to driving? Let’s face facts;…

How to avoid the perils of potholes

As written for The Insurance Bureau of Canada. Please visit their blog. We seem to have a pretty good crop so far this year. It almost seems after each rainfall there’s more and more. The crop seems to grow quickly when the mild weather happens. Does this sound familiar? Do you think I’m referring to…

How distracted driving really affects your abilities

As written for The Insurance Bureau of Canada. Please visit their blog; Remember as a kid you kept hearing the same things from your parents over and over again? The interesting thing is after some time, we tended to ignore what our parents said until what they were warning us about actually happened. This also…