Category: risk taking

Seeing is believing

As many people do, I wear glasses to drive. I’m near sighted, which means I can see things clearly when they are close to me. I read, write and eat with my glasses off but in order to see the movie, the TV, play sports or drive I need my glasses on. With the high…

You should pay if you crash

For the past few years, I’ve tried to teach my kids more responsibility. The older they get, the easier it has been. For example, since my son has to pay for his own treats out of his babysitting money, he’s selective as to what he spends his money on. He doesn’t waste it as much…

Why live in a pot hole?

Looking after our vehicles is part of every vehicle owner’s job and driver’s job. Having a vehicle that’s running smoothly means it’ll be a safer vehicle to drive. Ensuring the brakes work properly for example means you can stop in an emergency if needed. Ensuring the wipers clear a smooth space across the windshield means…

You CAN fight against Murphy’s Law and win

Things happen for a reason. We all know that. We don’t have to like it, but we should at least accept it. Our friend Murphy always keeps us on our toes. You know what I mean; Murphy’s Law seems to rule our lives too many times. Since Murphy’s Law always seems to rear its ugly…

When is speeding acceptable?

There seems to be the debate again about the speed you must travel while driving along city streets and freeways. I was asked recently when it’s ok to speed. That can be a tough question to answer. For the most part, you really need to keep to the posted speed limit. Posted speeds are there…

Looking back gives me better hindsight

I try to be a good person each day. I want to be a good husband, a good father, a good employee and of course, a good driver. Sometimes it’s difficult to do all those things. Emotions are a big part of our decision making abilities. They clog our abilities from making proper, safe decisions…

How NOT to exit a parking lot

There have been times that we’re not always thinking straight. We make mistakes and that’s normal. If we try to take our time and make solid decisions, it can help us survive in this world. The same can be said about driving. Being distracted is a huge part of our society these days. Paying attention…

Is there pressure to do the proper thing?

We have so much pressure on ourselves to do the proper thing these days. That pressure seems to start when we were kids as our parents checked up on us from time to time. Sometimes we end up making the wrong choices in life and if we’re lucky, we survive it. I’m sure you’ve done…