Category: risk taking

Winter driving…..myths or truths?

For many years I’ve heard of drivers giving poor advice to other drivers about how to drive in snow and on ice. I’m not sure where they got their information from, but does it make any sense to take advice because the “guys at work” told you? I grew up with that as a kid….

Take The National Driving Test!

One of the most common questions asked to millions of people over the last 100 plus years; “Are you a good driver?” That’s always been a difficult question to answer. There are so many factors involved in making that decision. Once you throw in distractions, it can seriously affect your driving ability. Well, now you…

What’s on your driving to-do list?

I often make to-do lists at home and at the office. It helps me stay in control of my day. I really hate forgetting things that I need to do because it puts me behind the next day. It’s also frustrating when it was an important thing to do and I totally forgot to do…

Could you avoid this crash?

Sometimes it’s difficult to decide if skill or luck is on our side when we do things. Playing sports is a good example. My son has scored goals during hockey games because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. One goal even bounced off his facemask into the net. Those…

Is Big Brother watching?

There are so many media outlets in our society these days that it’s hard not to find out what’s going on in the world today. The internet is so strong, that the local and national TV news can be seen without watching a TV at all. You can also read the local and national newspaper…

Drinking and driving never works

Ever since I was a kid in school, I’ve heard about how drinking and driving was wrong, illegal and extremely dangerous. We teach how to avoid impaired driving at Young Drivers of Canada, but as I’ve found out over the last couple of decades, the students that I’ve taught really know a lot of the…

When is bad weather, bad enough?

We all have to make decisions in life that make us think hard about our choices. When we’re driving, that happens every day. But how far will you go before you decide it isn’t worth it? Recently, there was a terrible snow storm across our region. The conditions were so bad that transport trucks and…

What’s the hurry anyway?

Our society tells us that we live in busy times. With 4 kids all active with many activities, I totally believe the reports, but there has to be times that we need to slow down and enjoy the ride, right? I mean, speeding through busy roads and weaving throughout traffic doesn’t really help the situation,…